
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 7, 2012 8:45 AM. The previous post in this blog was Rough week for pedestrians in Portland. The next post in this blog is Call of the wild. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, January 7, 2012

The dirty Portland cop files

Here are some interesting stories being told by the City of Portland's police review board. Fascinating reading -- they ought to put it on Kindle.

Comments (9)

With no tv viewing options I have never seen this Portlandia mock-umentary, but I just had occasion to think, boy, it sounds like what that program needs to have a little depth and pathos is a curmudgeonly blogger character, a dyspeptic old guy who blows a gasket at the kind of stuff lampooned on the show and who regularly does a much better job than all of the so-called press in Portland all combined.

The running gag would be that, by refusing to drink the Keeping Portland Weird Kool-Ade, the curmudgeonly blogger becomes the character with Cassandra's curse (she was given the gift of accurate prophecy, and cursed with the fate of having none heed her warnings) --constantly accurately chronicling the screwups and corruptions of the powerful and connected, but "just a blogger" and, so, dismissed by the suck ups and the cool kids.

Man, that sworn employee A guy really does get around.

Yeah, but thank goodness he's the only bad filbert in the bushel, eh? Looks like he gets pickled a lot, though.

But seriously, just sending those guys parading through training is like sending wolverines to doggie obedience school.

They need to find better ways to screen candidates before they're hired.

What do the Commissioner and Mayoral candidates have to say about this & that?

And clean house at the same time. Very bad subculture entrenched there, and corrupts newbies. Gang Blue.

Character names could be quite funny.


Nice the Vice

And, depending on pronunciation (fra-shur versus fra-shower)

"I'm gonna kill you, just to make sure"- Fra-shur

"I jus' wanna take a peek at your bower"- Frashour

Save the PDF to your hard drive. Then email it to your Kindle email address.

No surprises here except that someone's finally paying attention to this kind of behavior.

I had a traffic run-in with a PDX cop 20 years ago or so. Clearly his fault, broke my elbow. When I contacted PPB about it, he lied through his teeth -- claimed he witnessed my accident and rendered assistance. (conveniently didn't mention that he'd CAUSED my accident). After seeing the towering blue wall they erected in front of me, I let it go. 2 surgeries later, arm's still messed up. That memory affects every single interaction I have with Portland's finest.

Save the PDF to your hard drive. Then email it to your Kindle email address.

I have a Touch, and pdf's aren't so great to read on it.

Whole paragraphs redacted! Wow! Just wow!
Just goes to show the cops in this town are as out of control as the rest of the city bureaus. The inmates really are running the asylum.

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