
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 1, 2012 1:26 PM. The previous post in this blog was For bloodshot eyes, bloodhound picks. The next post in this blog is Big 'dogs don't bark for New Year. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ringing in the new

Comments (4)

Sorry, Stenchy, but I hope you (and Sam's rediculous system) don't survive 2012.

Did anybody else's garbage bill go up, even for the same sized can? Ours did.

Ours went up by about 50 cents, but that was in play before the Stenchy debacle - Metro upped their "tipping fees".

Somewhat off topic, but I remember some posts about the constant brick-work in what is amusingly referred to as the Transit Mall, and I thought of them when I saw this today:

Went out of town and the Mrs. didn't pull down the "real" garbage can to the street last pick up. We have a months worth of garbage piled up... and it stinks. This new garbage system is awful. Been throwing a lot of quasi-recyclable stuff in the recycle bin.

If it stinks in January, what are we in for this summer?

I hope Lents prevails in their case.

It is obvious the city simply does not care about our quality of life here.
Who are they working for anyway?

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