
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 16, 2012 9:44 AM. The previous post in this blog was Clackistani rebels going for the gusto. The next post in this blog is Plenty of money, just none for basics. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Reader poll: Final Four -- who will win Super Bowl 46?

In our last poll predicting the winner of the Super Bowl, 63% of our readers chose teams that have now been eliminated from the tournament. Only four squads remain. So now what do you think?

Which team will win the Super Bowl?
San Francisco 49ers
New England Patriots
Baltimore Ravens
New York Giants
pollcode.com free polls 

Comments (12)

I wouldn't even venture a guess. I'm still shocked that I backed the Mavericks last season and demonstrated the old adage "Even a blind pig can find an acorn now and then."

Who cares

For those who have missed so many points this year betting against Mr Tom and the Pats:

"...a lot of the emphasis this season has been on us and what we need to do better, so look, the Ravens, they’re the best team we’ve faced all year and there’s no one that’s going to overlook a team like that. It would be impossible to do. They present a ton of challenges in all three phases of the game, and when you watch them, like yesterday, they’re physical, they’re tough, they can cover and they’ve got some of the best players in the history of the NFL at their positions, in (Terrell) Suggs and Ray Lewis and Ed Reed and Haloti Ngata – you’ve got phenomenal players there. So we’ve really got our work cut out for us. We’ll be excited about the challenge, we’ll use the week to prepare like we always do, and then really try to be at our best, hopefully be better than we were this past Saturday night."

Giants believe only they can stop themselves in SF

Who will win Super Commercial Bowl 46? The team that scores the most points during the allotted time between commercials wins.

Go Big Blue!

The possibility of a rematch between Eli and Mr Tom is greater now than at any previous moment this season. If that reality is achieved on Sunday, it will have been demonstrated that no NFL team can prevail w/o a dominant, intelligent, adaptable, healthy QB.

(Thank you, Gisele:


http://www.giselebundchen.com/gisele_home.asp )

"...the Ravens' defensive duo of linebacker Ray Lewis and safety Ed Reed were a popular topic of discussion. They certainly have a lot of admirers in the New England locker room.

'He covers more field back there as a single safety than most teams can cover with two,' Belichick said of Reed. 'He's got great instincts, tremendous player, and then Ray Lewis, everything that he brings to the game, his playmaking ability, his leadership, his experience, his ability to get people around him to play better, his anticipation, his football savvy ... those two guys are ... it's really hard to put anybody in that class, let along [sic] ahead of them. I can't say I've coached against anybody better than Ed Reed in the secondary.'"

That's right, Gardiner. Hard to believe that so few people appreciate the power of the Ravens here. While the million-dollar question is can the Ravens cover the Patriots beastly TEs, Brady is facing his most intense and devastating pass rush of the year. And the Patriots defense will have more than its hands full dealing with super-versatile RB Ray Rice and the scorching WR Lee Evans. The Ravens kick returners, very dangerous, too. David Reed averages 30 yds. a return. Watch out.

“'I think we all know how tough he is,' said coach Bill Belichick, when asked about Brady’s leadership. 'It would take a lot to take him out of a game or anything like that. He’s mentally and physically tough and he’s always there to compete and he competes at a very high level.'"

About the Baltimore team (that is not the Colts), Mr Tom says:

"'We play those guys a lot and they’ve only beat us one time in all the times that I’ve played them. So they talk a lot for beating us once in nine years.'"

And about Mr Tom the Ravens' Ray Lewis remarks:

“'When you speak about Tom, you’re talking about arguably one of the best quarterbacks of all time,' said Ravens middle linebacker Ray Lewis. 'You’ve got your hands full from Day One, before you even step on the field with him, because it’s a film study game with him.

'He wants to [identify] everything that’s coming out and know what you’re in. Your job is to disguise and not show him all of that. It’s a chess match almost.'"

"'Well, I (stunk) pretty bad today, but our defense saved us,' Brady said. 'I'm going to try to go out and do a better job in a couple of weeks, but I'm proud of this team, my teammates.'"

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