
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 27, 2012 1:23 PM. The previous post in this blog was Come up and see me sometime. The next post in this blog is Have a great weekend. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Joke of the Week

If you let an independent utility ratemaking board set Portland water and sewer rates, they might be less accountable to the public than Sam Adams and Randy Leonard.

And the Sam Rands get "green" groups to make their case for them.

Let's just put it up for a public vote, shall we?

Comments (3)

How about we just make Randy go to the PUC like NW Nat Gas and PGE.

His boy Ty is spreading all this dis-information to keep things just as they are.

In my opinion, this is just to make the public think council is really trying....
wink wink....get the people off track,
while they continue on their track to serve who knows who?
As they continue on the grand scheme of things, and rates increase, does anyone here think that by the time this "new" rate-making board will be put together that lower rates will come about someday?
We need to stay on the track as to what they are doing right now.

Hey, they're responsive! Just plant an approved tree on your property and submit proof-of-purchase along with a Treebate form between September 1, 2011 and April 30, 2012, and they might knock as much as $50 off your water/sewer bill (just this once).


That's $4.17 a month, for a whole year! If you get a big tree; your mileage may vary.

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