
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 28, 2012 3:48 PM. The previous post in this blog was Extra! Extra! Read all about it.. The next post in this blog is In "suicide by cop," collateral damage. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ex-Portland cop gets 10 years in Tri-Cities child sex case

By all accounts, he is a very sick fellow. Being a former police officer and a convicted child molester is going to make for a very difficult time in prison.

Comments (4)

Wanna bet he has the good old standby, Soap on a Rope, ready for prison!

Just saying....

Dude! Former police have a hell of a time in prison... Individuals convicted of sex crimes, especially those against children even more so... I cannot imagine being both.

I'd feel at least a little bit sorry for him, except it was perv activities that caused him to leave the PPB while under investigation, which should've been a serious personal wake-up call. Ostensibly he didn't seek and get help after that, so instead his perv activities escalated and this is where he ended up. Now he says his life has changed. Riiight.

I used to counsel sex offenders coming out of prison. What they go through is crazy. Many start the day taping magazines from the library around their waist in order to block shivs. If anyone wants to make a name for themselves in prison they just go beat the hell out of a chomo (slang for child molester). The guards will also use their offense as leverage against them to gain favor, compliance and whatever else.

Note the exact opposite treatment is given to cop killers. They are like heroes. So I can imagine a police officer ranks pretty low.

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