
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 31, 2012 11:50 AM. The previous post in this blog was Suzanne takes you down. The next post in this blog is City of Portland debt jumped $285 million in a year. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Earl the Pearl has advice for the next mayor

One of the reasons for Portland's many problems is that its congressman brings home money only for real estate development projects. He doesn't seem interested in basic government services at all. But he's convinced that his "themes and approach" are "baked into" the city's "DNA," and there's "consensus" about them. That's the way the infrastructure crumbles.

Comments (20)

There's too many jokes inside what that bowtied clown said. Where to start? Hmmm. Maybe with the "weeds.". Let's all pitch in and get him a tiny car to peddle around DC in.

"Everybody says the right things about the Portland story," he said. "I think it's baked into our DNA now. ... There is a consensus in terms of overall themes and approach. But it's getting down to the specific details about education, about what we're going to do on the Willamette River cleanup, what is the relationship with the regional partners."

Scary words indeed coming from this bow-tie coming in from DC so tied into pushing lucrative agendas.

What is this about Willamette River cleanup. . . does he intend to have it blended for our drinking water?

I imagine he would like for us to press for relationships on regional matters - that way local people would have less say. Those "chosen" to serve on regional boards/committees would be the decision makers and vote on issues for us?

Mojo:...Let's all pitch in and get him a tiny car to peddle around DC in.

He won't need a tiny car to peddle around in DC, he only needs to peddle in K Street.

On the national level, he is bow-tie betrayer.
Read the O link and comments that say he is worth $7 million.

Maybe Earl the Squirrel is tipping a hand on bailout money being sought for that fubar production along the harbor. Driving some piles in for that good ol' public-private partnership kinda thingy. Hold onto your wallets.

I'll be voting for Jack.

How do they keep winning elections/
I don't get it, the facts are out here, but they keep winning elections!

“Expert: Someone who brings confusion to simplicity”

There are candidates who often don't get press coverage compared to the ones deemed viable and/or are not asked to speak at pertinent candidate fairs.

As for elections, can they be trusted with the software programs and machines and other changes?
America's Election Watchdog Group.


How do they keep winning elections/
I don't get it, the facts are out here, but they keep winning elections!

There aren't enough people who care anymore.

....or might there be too many people who are too carefully taught?

This schmuck will have a much harder time getting money in the next Congress - especially if the Republicans get control of the Senate - which is very possible.

Vote for Earl - He's smarter than you and, for that matter, anybody else.

Just ask him.

Plus he's got the balls to say we need to do something about schools when he throws any kind of money at developers who whisper the words streetcar or bikes.

Can't we get him to be representin' in Wyden's district in NY?

The City (of Portland)'s DNA:

60% of electricity generated from fossil fuels; Seattle has 90% renewable power.

90% of trips taken by automobile, 3% by TriMet, about 3% by bicycling.

Millions spent on subsidizing out-of-state developers who then get tax breaks. Local governments struggling for funding due to lower revenues.

Three of the state's worst school districts by almost any measure determinable. Some of the state's worst performing high schools.

Government that on one hand prides itself on citizen involvement...then prides itself on TriMet, a governmental agency that decries having to actually listen to the public and has one of its Board Members crying "we don't HAVE to let the public speak at our meetings"

Multiple EPA superfund sites.

A highly polluted river.

A downtown district built on filled-in wetland.

Urban sprawl from Forest Grove to Troutdale; from Ridgefield to Wilsonville.

A city that lacks a major university.

A distrusted police department.

This is equivalent climbing out on a limb, sawing it off, setting it on fire, jumping of just before it hits the ground, and hoping to land in a soft pile of ashes.

Sounds like Erik is headed off to Seattle..

Earl forgot to mention that the city is also bankrupt. Just look at the revenue numbers and the debt and you'll quickly see that Portland can't pay the bills that morons like Earl have created.

Earl can't grasp basic economics. He figures that someone else should pay for all of the cool stuff that he wants.

Speaking of Earl: He doesn't listen to anybody unless they are drinking his brand of (streetcar-bike spiked) koolaid.

Earl said, "He would NOT endorse anyone for the May Primary." All the candidates promptly stated, "Thank you for not endorsing me 'there is a god' I still have a chance of winning"

Portland is doomed to repeat the same bunch of "politicians " that are now in office, just different names

The problem is that Seattle is copying Portland (or Portland is copying Seattle) despite their mutual love/hate relationship.

Spokane seems like a nice place, though. Plenty of carbon in the air, a nice military base outside town, plenty of six lane arterial streets and several major freeways, lots of railroads and no trolleys.


Don't forget the weather. Spokane actually has seasons instead of Portland's wet and not-as-wet.

"The role of the city is going to be as important in the region as it's ever been," Blumenauer said. "It continues to be the hub."

We’re the hub are we? Our city has been turned into this hub of agendas that have led us to financial disaster...others outside of our city are saying No to this brand of DNA. This may have some as bow-tie concerned, so he comes for “press” to assure us that we continue to be the hub!
Be careful when these types use the word “region” – in my view, local people lose their control on matters when those on committees/ region frame and vote on issues.

By the way, I think there are plenty in pdx who haven't had the DNA baked in them for consensus...

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