
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 28, 2012 7:45 AM. The previous post in this blog was Have a great weekend. The next post in this blog is Extra! Extra! Read all about it.. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Come on, feel the noise

And help regulate it, too: The City of Portland is looking for a citizen representative on its noise board.

What? What's that you say?

Comments (9)

I see compostable Vuvuezuelas....

How do we find out who is currently serving on this board???

How do we find out who is currently serving on this board???

Phew! That took multiple seconds of clicking around:


You're welcome.

Is that 'Huh? What's that you say?' how you may respond to a summons for jury duty?

Point being: Board vacancies and all public employments -- including 'elected' offices could better be filled (Occupied?) by conscription, that is a Draft.

All military is public employees and military sense (albeit not 'intelligence') was better and worked better back when our Draft filled the vacancies, (compared to today's all-mercenary torture-murder performance).

Bring back the Draft Expanded beyond simply (simpleton?) military public employees, (and arguably jury-duty 'conscription') to begin drafting ALL public employments. Starting with a Letter of Summons ... such as, 'TO Whom These Presents May Come: Greetings. You are hereby required to appear for aptitude screening and processing by the CoP employee board seeking qualified candidates for listening to noise ....'

Seems like not so fun a job. You've got to learn the applicable codes, consider the not-always-simple merits of variance requests. Do homework. Show up to class.

If someone is willing to do this, I say more power to him/her and thank you.

Get in there and block those composting noise-makers before they're entrenched! Volunteer! Service Guarantees Citizenship.

Re: "Phew! That took multiple seconds of clicking around"

Allan L., you might have found the link faster by lodging a noise complaint with Noise Officer Paul Van Orden, who would have immediately advised you, in lieu of addressing your complaint, to seek a seat on the board.

I'm sure Tenskwatawa had a point in all the gibberish and hateful talk.

But to the point, can I lodge a complaint about the whir of bicycle tires annoying me?

Wayne Madsen find:

Woman from Goa dies in prison in Chicago after ignoring summons for jury duty. Lyvita Gomes, 52, was not eligible for jury duty since she was an Indian citizen. America: Gulags from Guantanamo to Chicago.
Sentient others, such as Madsen, directly or indirectly get around to seeing my point too. How very thoughtful of you to notice, rankfuxer

Allan L.
Thanks! I tried POrtland Online and kept getting caught in a "loop". Experiencing my usual frustration with anything governemnt, I probalby gave up too soon.

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