
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 6, 2012 1:48 PM. The previous post in this blog was Hold on to your wallets, Portland. The next post in this blog is Have a great weekend. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, January 6, 2012

Carrie Brownstein interview no. 238

There are almost as many people writing about the Portlandia star this week as there are people watching her show.

Comments (10)

Believe it or not, you really do have that many people wanting to know "Is Portland like that, or is this exaggeration for comedic effect?" My boss at my day job asks this constantly, because he figures that it can't be that bad. Thankfully, a co-worker is a native, and we can verify that in some cases, it's worse. (Said co-worker was able to verify the story of that breakfast diner out near Powell's back in the Nineties where the whole place was covered with Quentin Tarantino posters, and where the owner would get aggressive to abusive with any customer who dared say that Tarantino wasn't the greatest director who ever lived. She was less than amused with me when she demanded my honest opinion, and I finally said that Tarantino did for film what Whitley Strieber did for SETI.)

It's an amusing show but the amount of press it gets is getting ridiculous.

Before you know it, other cities around the nation will be wanting their own version of the show.

Mr. Grumpy, not only is that true, but Portland, as usual, is behind the game. In fact, they've usually been done by better talents: I'm proud to say that the best documentary about Dallas was directed by George Romero about 35 years ago.

Texas - are you referring to Roxy's? (It is MUCH different now)

That George Romero?
Don't know much about Dallas, but I'm guessing your comment speaks to those who do.

Mr. Grumpy, yeah, that George Romero. One of our two city slogans is "When there's no more room in Hell, the dead will go shopping."

I watched a couple of episodes on Netflix tonight for the first time. They absolutely skewered Portland every now and then, but most of it hit too close to home to really be funny.

Although, Sam came across as a short, inept little dweeb. Perfect!

The "ban the bag" skit was entertaining in tonight's show, but definitely not in keeping with the Portland ethos:

It featured a kid going door-to-door, trying to get people to sign a petition to ban plastic bags.

In Portland, the council merely imposes edicts.

You don't get to vote on banning plastic bags.
You don't get to vote on having your garbage service cut in half.
You don't get to vote on light rail or streetcars.
You did get to vote on "Voter Owned Elections" - but only after it had been imposed for a few years.

In an ideal world, we would have a truly representative system of government - but in Portland, it has become abundantly clear that we need to insist upon public votes to affirm or deny the latest hairball schemes emanating from Portland City Hall, Multnomah County, and Metro.

I heard that Pittsburg is the new Portland.

If Portland is no longer hip and Portlanders know it, maybe we can start being pragmatic instead.

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