
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 30, 2012 2:48 PM. The previous post in this blog was Portland water bureau going stingy on the mothballs. The next post in this blog is Weekend at Sam and Randy's. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Boiling mad

The folks at Einstein Noah, which has bought Kettleman Bagels in Portland, are promising to keep three flavors of boiled bagels on their menu as well as the other schlock that they mistakenly call bagels. They're asking for input from Kettleman fans here, but we doubt that they'll be getting too much positive feedback. To many of us, the changeover will be nothing short of sacrilegious. Indeed, we wouldn't be at all surprised if they eventually looked back on this acquisition with regret.

Comments (10)

Ive never had a "real" bagel apparently... might as well try em out before they are gone forever

Boiled bagels? What? I have no idea what they are but I can see they engender some honest devotion.

Cooked twice. Boiled first. Then baked. Can't get that nice finish under water.

Those ugly doughnut-shaped pieces of baked goo should not be allowed to be sold west of Phillipsburg, NJ.

No regrets -- they eliminated some competition.
Ted Turner bought then killed Satellite News Channel, Starbucks bought then killed Coffee People, AnheuserBuschInBev bought Widm...er, sorry, got ahead of myself a bit there.

The story I heard was that when the Children of Israel were fleeing Pharoah through the Red Sea, some bread dough got dropped into the salty water. The thrifty mom baked it anyway and discovered that it was better that way and even better when the dough was dropped into boiling water before baking. Yum! G_d bless the thrifty moms!

I appreciate the reminder - Kettleman's opened in Raleigh Hills just a few months ago. Before they get modified, time to pick up a few more of the real deal.

Fear Not Nudniks, More Boiled and Baked Bagels at:

Bagel Land 41st & NE Fremont
Tastebud Milwaukie just south of Powell
Kenny and Zukes 1038 SW Stark

"Coffee People" is still alive and well on NE Freemont at "Jim and Patty's". Black Tiger shots and Malted Mochas still pouring freely, Pig Newtons abound...

Wow! this sets a new record in the Who Cares stakes...

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