
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 5, 2012 11:41 AM. The previous post in this blog was More life sucked out of the City of Roses. The next post in this blog is Rosenblum becomes instant front-runner. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, January 5, 2012

All aboard for comedy

This new blog isn't as funny as its authors think it is, but it certainly has its moments.

Comments (16)

Ugh, Just like so many things Portland. A clone of something that someone else has done much earlier, and much better. I'll stick with the Onion...

Portland's version of The Onion?
Their lengthy post about you wasn't very nice though...

I thought the post on Jack was funny. They know he's not a crank. Besides Jack doesn't have a lawn that he can yell at people for trudging upon. He has a yard full of eco-friendly plants just like you'd find in any bioswale.

Not favorably impressed, and they might even get sued.
The train to the moon thing could happen.

To LexusLibertarian: Thank you for seeing what we were shooting for in the post about Jack. It might not have been clear from reading it but we are frequent readers of this blog and the last thing we'd want to do is offend Jack or his readers.

I'm not offended. I'm not sure you have the right to that photo, however...

Mr. Lamb,
FYI, targeting a specific business and falsely claiming to have been injured in some way may result in some serious consequences for you.
Small local businesses have enough worries without being assaulted by writers on a blog, even one as insignificant as yours.

I have to love the comments from some of the butthurt subjects. I haven't heard so much impotent whining this side of a Star Trek convention.

Mr. Lamb, meet Mr. McDonald.

To Portland Native:

Thank you for the concern/tip I understand, however the story itself is actually true and based on a real experience at the restaurant in question - a very well documented experience actually.

This to the moon project is secretly known as Alice.

I thought the bit about the food cart idiot seemed amusing.

I thought the picture of the moontrain was beautiful and much more scientifically accurate than the Apollo 13 movie.

There's a shot in that movie that shows the capsule aiming directly toward the moon when in reality it should be pointing to the empty space where the moon will be in a few days. This train has more of the actual science, and I'm impressed.

Now you could complain that the smoke wouldn't act like that in space, but no movie depicts smoke in space from explosions, etc... the way it really would be. Not Star Wars or Star Trek. None of them. So though this is a major flaw, it's an industrywide problem and a long-term disappointment.

Worst yet is when the real thing doesn't look right, like when the flags on those sailing ships blow forwards. Sigh. I've had to grapple with that all my life and it never gets easier.

Portland's stupidity (in pictures) -

Personally, I want to send all cat s**t to Randy Leonard... And with all the land swapping going on at Bull Run... i would not put it past Randy and 60% done Dave to plant a little crypto on their shoes and track it into what was once protected land.

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