
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 19, 2011 1:49 PM. The previous post in this blog was Please come back tomorrow -- and bring your friends!. The next post in this blog is Super Carole puts your present under the tree. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Wheels coming off Sustainability Center

The ridiculous financial black hole known as the Oregon Sustainability Center keeps morphing. First it was going to be 13 stories, and house private companies. But given that the rents are going to be stratospheric, and working conditions are going to be less than optimal, not a single private firm is interested. And so now it's down to eight stories, and they're admitting there will be only government agencies or government-funded nonprofits as tenants.

Why build this thing? There's no reason, really, other than the fact that developer Mark Edlen and the local architects and construction companies who control Portland City Hall want more taxpayer money to play with. And note well: City Council candidate Mary Nolan, a card-carrying Goldschmidt Party lieutenant, is all for it.

This palace of waste needs a catchy nickname, but we're having trouble coming up with one. "Oregon Gullibility Center"? That might grow on us. Perhaps readers have got a better suggestion.

Comments (26)

We already have "Housing Forward". How about something along the same line: "Up Yours Portland"?

We have to build it because "it's too late to turn back now", i.e, somebody in power made a promise they don't dare break.

Now, if only the wheels really would fall off, causing it to crash into a barrier and burst into flames.

SustainaBULLs%#t covers it quite well.

The White Elephant Building? But surely that one must already be taken. "The Sinkhole"?

So this means we the taxpayers will be paying 200% of average downtown rents so that our government agencies can be in this building.

"Globel Gullibility Warming Center" Covers the homeless in downtown Portland and the GGWS acronym works well with Girls Gone Wild and many other organizations.

Green Elephant?

The Oregon Sustain-Absurdity Center

Cityhall is seeking $40 million or more from the state for this joke. This is so maddening when you consider things like the Portland Public School district still heating a number of their buildings with old oil fired burners. The School District says replacing these inefficient boilers using oil with natural gas heating systems has a payback of 6 and half years. The Oregon Sustainability loses money for taxpayers right out of the gate with dubious payback if ever. TriMet meanwhile builds a solar generating facility with payback of well over 20 years (and if not for the federal subsidy it would be 100 years, or well beyond the life of the solar equipment).

Why can't we get our elected jokers to simply route public monies to government projects sporting paybacks of less than 10 years instead of these pie-in-the-sky- glamor projects like the Oregon Unsustainable Spending Center? Please, these Jokers won't stop until they've made rust of Portlandia.

The Kim Jong "mass starvation for carbon footprint reduction" building of leadership

If You Build It They Won't Come.

Tower of Sustaina-Babble?

I like "The Sink Hole"......I know,....it's redundant. But, this is Portland and redundant really fits.

Portland is a great place for politicians to advance their "green" careers while convincing a willing taxpayer to foot the bill.

Ecotrust Dear Mother Eileen wants it too.

Oregon Insane-ability Center

Oregon Imposition Center

Oregon NeilVeraSam Center

Oregon Racket Center

The Neil E. Goldschmidt Center For Sustainability And Ethics

Sine maybe the idiots will read this instead of the O:

"Brady called it a "strong project," in part because it would help alleviate overcrowding at PSU and help strengthen the university's focus on sustainability. "I want to be there at that groundbreaking."

Fine - Then you pay for it instead of using TIFs to take money from schools and Mult County for this quixotic project.

""I support the outcomes," Smith said, calling himself prudently optimistic. "The question I have is whether it will pencil."

I'll save you the trouble Jefferson. $62M/130,000 sqft = $475/sqft (this is the very low end since they lie like they did with the Tram). $475 @ 5.5% for 30 years = $2.70/sqft/month in mortgage. This assumes our credit rating will stand it.

At $2.70/sqft/month you are now the most expensive office space in town plus you add in utilities and maintenance (especially since this will have all kinds of unproven tehcnology as a showcase.)

We build this garbage then wonder why we have crappy schools and no money for potholes or stopping gangs?

But it's only going to cost $62 million. Just like the tram was only going to cost $15 million. And they're linchpins.

If it wasn't so close to Christmas, I might go for a good linching or two around this town....

Brady is just another sap.

There isn't anything strong about the project at all.
There is nothing meaureable about it that will ever help "alleviate any overcrowding at PSU". Wasting millions will deter real progress.

There is no such thing as "helping to strenthen focus". That's weazle speak by a candidate who fears plain speak.

If she had any ability to honestly focus she could have simple and honest public conversations without having to use these pathetic, post ethics era, conventional wisdom methods.

Susstenchability Center?

"The Gold-Schmucks Center."

First it was going to be 13 stories,.....

.....And so now it's down to eight stories,...

It may come down to a just a basement,

The Center of DeBasements!!

If it's so great for PSU, maybe a tuition surcharge or a new student "fee" to cover its costs will be in order.

Then the PSU students will come out in droves to oppose it. Maybe there'll be a new "Occupy" movement, for the PSU students to occupy that block and refuse to move for the construction vehicles.

It's always OK if someone else pays for it, but hell will freeze before I have to pay for it.

A better use, if any at all of 60 million would be in rehabbing old, deteriorating buildings around town.

It's an order of magnitude more sustainable than this building (building new is never truly sustainable) and preserves history and architecture in the city.

What's all the fuss about?

Portland needs to build, indeed it must build, another temple to further augment its idolatry and worship of government, its minions and its satraps.

The Sustainability Center will be the perfect palace to achieve this dubious goal — overbuilt, expensive and financed entirely by people who neither need nor desire its construction or existence.

In other words, the City of Portland in microcosm.

A spokeswoman for the city's Office of Management and Finance, Kelly Ball, confirmed this month there is still no such agreement in place.

Is Kelly Ball any relation to a well known attorney with the same last name?

It sounds like a longshot, but knowing Portland, it may be impossible to get that job without being related to somebody.

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