
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 31, 2011 11:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was Have a great holiday weekend. The next post in this blog is Mattress World going under?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, December 31, 2011

The year through a Fish eye

The Portland city commissioner surveys a year of his accomplishments here. It's modest, but impressive nonetheless.

Comments (6)

Sorry, but Fish has had yet another utterly unimpressive yera.

He's sort of the City Council's iteration of Wu: Great credentials on paper, and an interesting resume, and zero accomplishment.

The one on his page touting Fair Housing engorcement is truly galling, given that on Fish's watch, the city missed its reporting deadlines with the State to get BOLI to actually act on the results of the City's investigations.

And Fish's waffling and gamesmanship with the RFF funding from flowing through Metro badly hurt the residential West Side, with a sillt replacement funding scheme that fell apart in less than 90 days with the PBOT budget disaster. And yet he provided Sam cover for the "bike share" farce.

With Sam and Randy, the screwing the citizens get is expected.

Fish is just plain disappointing. He should both know better and care more.

Zero accomplishments for Fish.

Fish: During challenging times, we made progress on many fronts:
JK: You left out:
* Banning convenient, cheap, reusable plastic grocery bags because of a brilliant propaganda campaign.
* Doubling our garbage rates by reducing garbage pickups.
* Giving city money to the Milwaulkie toy train.
* Breaking ground on the billion dollar waste to Milwaulkie.
* Continuing to take money from schools, social services, fire and police departments to give to developers

Fish: Promoting healthy living.
JK: Since when is promoting a certain lifestyle your business? We elected you to keep the roads repaired (F), water & sewers running, and crime under control (F). Not to rebuild the city or to run our lives.

Fish: Strengthening our public-private partnerships.
JK: Since when is getting into business a proper government function? Usually this means taxpayers take the risk & campaign donors get the profits.

Fish: Thank you for all that you do to support our community.
JK: And Homer, Dike et al thank you


What I find impressive about the year-end summary is that it's understated. This is refreshing compared to the constant stream of glossy shinola that emanates from Mayor Creepy's bureaus, who do nothing but harm and yet dislocate their shoulders patting themselves on the back.

What, Fish's wrap of 2011 isn't rolled up in an Oregonian?

What I find impressive about the year-end summary is that it's understated. This is refreshing compared to the constant stream of glossy shinola that emanates from Mayor Creepy's bureaus, who do nothing but harm and yet dislocate their shoulders patting themselves on the back.

Get hold of yourself!

You down so far, the bottom startin' to look like up.

Sometimes they're all bad actors - the worst don't elevate the least bad to good.

"Understated" porn is still porn.

Wow. Too cranky.

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