The perfect stocking stuffer
Don't tell us that you still don't have a Bojack bumper sticker:

This lovely item will make a fine addition to your car, bike, skateboard, Segway, pickup, wheelchair, private jet, horsedrawn wagon, trike, pet carrier, or yacht. There are thousands of potential uses. And dirt cheap at only $1.50 for one, $2.00 for two, or $2.50 for three.
But wait.
Act now and for the first nine customers, we'll throw in, absolutely free, a much coveted "Weird Isn't Working" bumper sticker to go with your That's a $5 value, and definitely a conversation starter.
Don't delay -- do it today. Order here.
UPDATE, 7:31 p.m.: We've sold nine bumper stickers today, and so we're out of the "Weird" ones. But there are still some Bojacks -- get yours now!
Comments (4)
Your wife told you to "get those boxes out of the garage!", didn't she?
Posted by Portland Native | December 4, 2011 9:14 AM
Jack, thanks to you, my wife just stuffed my stocking!
Posted by Bad Brad | December 4, 2011 9:20 AM
I wonder they would fit on a street car?
Posted by David E Gilmore | December 4, 2011 3:40 PM
If I put one on my bike will I get smiles from the Bojackers revving past me on the road in their SUV's? :)
Posted by Benjamin J. | December 4, 2011 7:57 PM