
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 4, 2011 8:47 AM. The previous post in this blog was Headline of the Year. The next post in this blog is Lucky 'dogs for Week 13?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

The perfect stocking stuffer

Don't tell us that you still don't have a Bojack bumper sticker:

This lovely item will make a fine addition to your car, bike, skateboard, Segway, pickup, wheelchair, private jet, horsedrawn wagon, trike, pet carrier, or yacht. There are thousands of potential uses. And dirt cheap at only $1.50 for one, $2.00 for two, or $2.50 for three.

But wait.

Act now and for the first nine customers, we'll throw in, absolutely free, a much coveted "Weird Isn't Working" bumper sticker to go with your bojack.org. That's a $5 value, and definitely a conversation starter.

Don't delay -- do it today. Order here.

UPDATE, 7:31 p.m.: We've sold nine bumper stickers today, and so we're out of the "Weird" ones. But there are still some Bojacks -- get yours now!

Comments (4)

Your wife told you to "get those boxes out of the garage!", didn't she?

Jack, thanks to you, my wife just stuffed my stocking!

I wonder they would fit on a street car?

If I put one on my bike will I get smiles from the Bojackers revving past me on the road in their SUV's? :)

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