Should others step down in Urban League fiasco?

There's big trouble over at the Urban League of Portland. The nonprofit group's president, Marcus Mundy, has resigned amid charges that he "racked up $44,000 in charges on the League's credit card that had no documented business purpose" -- reportedly including groceries, a junket to China, a wig, and his children's cell phone bills. So now he's out of a job.
And just in the nick of time. Multnomah County, which provides a lot of the Urban League's funding, is not happy. Last week, it threatened to pull its money from the organization. And although the county is surely gratified to see Mundy hit the road, it's still not satisfied with the Urban League's accounting controls:
County spokesman David Austin said officials would keep looking into the league's finances. "Our position hasn't changed: We need to see by next week what the Urban League's response to these serious fiscal issues will be," he said. "If tight fiscal controls and a serious accounting of the dollars spent are not part of that, then the league's funding could be in jeopardy."
It's not a new story. The organization has a history of fiscal mismanagement, which has led to one executive departure after another. Mundy joins in a tradition. One tidbit that hasn't been reported in the mainstream media: Last year, someone at the Urban League -- probably its outside accountant -- blew the whistle on about $2,000 of questionable credit card spending by Mundy. The board required that he pay it back, and according to the organization's most recent report filed with the IRS, somebody (it could have been Mundy) was assessed a $500 penalty tax on account of the "excess benefit transaction."
But what about the directors of the organization -- don't they also bear responsibility? Charles Wilhoite (above left), Urban League treasurer, and Lolenzo Poe (right), chair of the board -- this happened on their watch. Didn't they know what was going on? If they didn't, why didn't they?
If Wilhoite and Poe were just some good-hearted guys with limited public responsibilities, maybe they'd deserve a pass. But they aren't. In addition to his Urban League board position, Wilhoite is chair of the OHSU board of directors, a commissioner on the Portland Development Commission, and the Sam Rand Twins' appointee as chair of the Portland police bureau budget advisory committee. His day job is apparently as a business appraiser for a national financial analyst firm, but he seems to have a lot of time on his hands to show up as a face card when public money is being spent. For him to be the treasurer of the Urban League at a time like this raises a lot of questions.
Poe is what the unkind among us might refer to as a political hack. He's been on the public payroll for a long time. Currently he works for the Portland Public Schools as a "partnership development director" and "chief equity and diversity officer," at last report making $110,000 a year. Before that he worked for the county as a "senior policy adviser" to former chair Ted Wheeler, after leaving his position as director of the county's "Department of School & Community Partnerships." For eight years he was director of the county Community & Family Services Department, where one of his achievements was sneaking the methadone clinic onto SE Belmont Street without the Buckman neighborhood noticing. Eventually Diane Linn canned him from that gig. Poe was elected unopposed to the Portland school board in 2001, and he was co-chair of the board for a year and a half; he didn't run for re-election in 2005, as we recall. Apparently, he can deliver a lot of votes, and that is doubtlessly a good part of why his is another face of the status quo in local government. But as a manager? Let's put it this way: The Urban League mess does not speak well of him.
The local media tiptoes carefully when it writes about the Urban League, for obvious reasons. But let's hope they don't let the organization's board off the hook too easily. One hopes that the IRS also steps in and takes a good look around.
Comments (6)
"no documented business purpose"
Sounds like 3/4 of Sam's overseas trips - Especially the ones where he no shows at the events.
Besides, let the thing play out. Maybe Portlanders will wake up and vote NO on every tax increase or bond.
Posted by Steve | December 12, 2011 9:16 AM
I know Marcus Mundy in passing, and this was shocking. It's also made me wonder where every dollar I've given the Urban League over the past few years has gone. Anyone who knew, or by nature of their role on the board, should have known about these problems needs to step down or be relieved of their duties for the good of the organization. The Urban League has an important role in this city, but this type of failure is unacceptable and I'll be passing on making any donations to the Urban League until new, credible leadership is in place.
Posted by NEPguy | December 12, 2011 9:27 AM
Hey...just like city hall! Greed knows no boundaries.
Posted by Portland Native | December 12, 2011 12:42 PM
Hans Christian Andersen could have been a scribe in Portland. Every public figure would have new clothes.
Posted by David E Gilmore | December 12, 2011 2:57 PM
No organization this lax deserves ANY public monies.
I carry a credit card for my organization to be used for purchases of supplies and services.
Card holders have to turn in their receipts monthly, they have a yearly audit and purchases can be screened at any time by the budget people above a card holder.
Anyone in my organization who did this sort of thing would find themselves prosecuted, not allowed to resign.
Posted by tankfixer | December 12, 2011 9:44 PM
Multnomah County takes money from taxpayers and gives it to the Urban League for purposes not related to county business. Urban League President, Marcus Munday, takes Urban League money and buys groceries, a trip, and kids' cell phones unrelated to UL business. And only Munday gets the boot?
Posted by Nolo | December 12, 2011 11:21 PM