
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 4, 2011 10:26 PM. The previous post in this blog was Wild 'dogs run fast. The next post in this blog is From the Fukushima theater of the absurd. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Occupy Portland chased off -- by drug dealers!

Silly Occupy. Of course camping's not allowed in city parks -- that's gangster territory.

Livable Portland -- quite the town it's become.

Comments (10)

Just too funny.
Keep Portland weird!

It isn't weird! It's pathetic.

Drug dealers, like trees, have rights!


Occupiers vs. the Drug Dealers...sounds like one of those Portland wrestling tag team matchups from the old days on KPTV with Frank Bonnema. I'd buy a ticket to that!

This is why the Mayor of L.O. wants the Trolley, so the druggies can help patrol downtown.

Hopefully OP will finally get a clue on how irrelevant they are, even the gangbangers have jobs and families to attend to!

Maybe Jefferson Smith is the perfect candidate for mayor after all.

Pathetic. If those OWS-Weirdville people can't deal with a couple of lowlife thugs on skateboards, there's no way they can hope to do what they claim that they're trying to do about the sophisticated super-menaces of the world. The OWS-Weirdville hipsters need to disappear and go back to their video games and tattoo parlors.

I bet that gal that got the pepper spray face-blast would've handled that thuggy confrontation differently, btw. With all of the surveillance following the OWSers, those punks should have been scurrying like cockroaches in a white light show after a few softly spoken words of enlightenment coupled with intense eye contact and a smile.

I bet by midnight tonight we'll be seeing some guys in superhero costumes downtown. Just when you thought it couln't get weirder....

"Good citizens are the riches of the city."

We are talking about a pot dealer here? How scary.

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