
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 5, 2011 8:48 AM. The previous post in this blog was A couple of open letters re: Occupy Portland. The next post in this blog is More biased reporting from the O. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Include the fruitcake!

Stenchy, the Portland food slop rat, gets into the holiday spirit.

Comments (16)

I didn't know Sam Adams could fit in the green bin.

Well the mayor has trimmed down a bit. I just noticed that Stenchy is not a rat.

I can harly wait till Easter....so many possibilities!

Oops should be "hardly wait".

For those outside Porland city limits, but still subject to once every two weeks garbage pick-up:

Garbage regulation without representation!

Just a thought...paint Stenchy's nose red.

Stenchy for MaYor, bet he'd not let the losers take over his stomping grounds, his parks....

Will Stenchy be at the office holiday party?

Stenchy and that image remind me of the state of affairs in the world, our nation and our local political scene.

Since we are so into recycling, we need to recycle our political system...and that is what might save our planet.

Regarding the politicians that have been purchased to do the bidding for corporations and others who purchase them for their benefit, the people of our community and country need to be very engaged to see that those types not working for the public interest are clearly outed so as the people understand and then have them ousted at the next election.

If in some cases those in office can still do a tremendous amount of damage and we cannot wait until elections, then a broad recall may be needed.

A rodent with canine teeth? Stenchy must be some kind of genetically modified super-duper rat. No run-of-the-mill buck-toothed garbage munchers for Portland. No sir, only the best!

Stenchy with implants ready to go for good munching in Portland.
Make no bones about it.

But there's frost on them-there green food/compost roll carts - Stenchy needs a scarf - and a coat!

And he better have LED lights on his tree.

Clinamen, we do precisely that, locally anyhow. All the declared candidates for nearly every single office are all cut from the same cloth, it's just a matter of degrees. I agree with you on what you posted except I believe that to save our planet, recycling in this case isn't the answer.

I would argue that we need to add a "none of the above" vote to our ballots, and those candidates who lose would be barred from the resulting election.

Recycling cans is ok with me. But the current crop of politicos of all stripes should be discarded. We need some new faces and new ideas are really what is what I'd like to see. I think we have gradually lost control of the political process, and while I vote every election, it's often a cynical excercise. Nothing will change until we as a big enough group bring some of the blowhards and self-serving gas bags to heel.

See where you are going with this.
I did not mean to recycle the political ones, I meant to recycle the political SYSTEM, and by doing that, would be more beneficial for the planet than our recycling program. By that I meant discard and cut the rot out of that system and get new ideas, people etc, so think we are on the same path here.

I agree that we must stop this "cut from the same cloth business." I often refer to this as "insiders" making candidate choices to keep their agenda going...
to the point of where we feel we don't really have a choice, the time is right for "none of the above."

"None of the above" is a great idea, especially with no re-run for the losers!

Has anyone noticed how many garbage cans are filled so full that the lids can't be closed now? Every other week just isn't cutting it...

I think having weekly yard-debris pickup is good, and I might even be willing to pay more for it, but not until weekly garbage pickup is returned.

For now, in protest, I put nothing in the yard debris as I won't pay to send stuff to a private company for them to turn-around and sell it for a profit. So it is either in my on-site compost pile, the trash, or goes down the garbage disposal.

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