
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 13, 2011 2:51 PM. The previous post in this blog was Missing the story. The next post in this blog is Occupy Portland game wears on. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ground Control to Major Paul

A spacey guy just got a whole lot spacier.

Comments (9)

Are the tissue box slippers not far behind?

A couple of observations:
My neighbor did some teaching of Burt and his brother around middle school. Said he was always playing with model planes.

If I remember right the engines on Space Ship One were loaners, now with 747 spinners you are looking at $84 million for the jet engines.

I see how they get up, but how do they get back down?

uhhhh, McMinnville, please make room for another addition to your eccentric billionaires airplane collection.

I thought it looked a lot like the Spruce Goose too!

I'd rather he did this than throw more money at the Trailblazers and the Seahawks. NASA's downsizing means unemployed rocket scientists - looks like he's investing at the right time.

I don't know what his chance of success is, but at least he's dreaming big -- major league sports team ownership seems petty compared to pioneering private space travel.

Making a successful bid here would outweigh three Lombardi trophies and a half dozen NBA Championships.

What Allen really needs to build is a time machine so he can go back and pick Kevin Durant.

Sad. Wacky billionaires are now leading the American space program.

Sporting News, Radio Stations, Petco, Cable Companies, all certified money burners....now this. He should kiss Bill Gates picture every morning.

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