Chuck trucks

Charles Lewis, one-time Portland City Council candidate and former operator of a "duck bus," is leaving Ethos Music, which he founded many years ago. After some time off smelling the roses, he's hoping to go work for a charitable foundation. Whatever he does, we wish him the best.
Comments (2)
Run for mayor, Chuck!
Posted by Nate COnrad | December 22, 2011 2:13 PM
Thanks for your good wishes! It has been quite an experience starting up and then running Ethos Music Center. What started as a tiny nonprofit 13 years ago has become the largest music school in Oregon and brings music education to several thousand kids every year. This year we had 78 employees, 10 full time AmeriCorps Members, a $1.5 million budget and 4 buildings in North and Northeast Portland.
I'm not sure what the future holds for me next, but I'm hopeful that I can use some of the experiences starting up Ethos to help an area foundation further music and arts education opportunities for kids. My wife and I are big fans of your blog and will continue to check in often!
Charles Lewis
Posted by Charles Lewis | December 22, 2011 8:51 PM