
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 13, 2011 6:37 AM. The previous post in this blog was Can't get into the holiday spirit?. The next post in this blog is Among those nuked: Tokyo schools. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

By the 'dogs' early light

Here are the first lines in our charity pro football underdog game this week -- Week 15, crunch time:

14 KANSAS CITY vs. Green Bay
11 JACKSONVILLE at Atlanta (Thursday 5:20 p.m. PST)
7 TAMPA BAY vs. Dallas (Saturday 5:20 p.m. PST)
7 WASHINGTON at New York Giants
6.5 INDIANAPOLIS vs. Tennessee
6.5 CAROLINA at Houston
6.5 CLEVELAND at Arizona
6 DENVER vs. New England
3 NEW YORK JETS at Philadelphia
2.5 SAN DIEGO vs. Baltimore
1 OAKLAND vs. Detroit

We'll keep checking for Bengals/Rams, Dolphins/Bills, Seahawks/Bears, and Steelers/Niners. But meanwhile, these should wet your 'dog whistle.

UPDATE, 11:08 p.m.: Here are a couple of additional pooches who just waddled in:

6 ST. LOUIS vs. Cincinnati
3.5 SEATTLE at Chicago

UPDATE, 11:59 p.m.: Players, don't forget that if you are picking either the Thursday game or the Saturday game, your pick must be in by kickoff of the game you are choosing.

UPDATE, 12/14, 11:35 p.m.: And here's another option:

6.5 MINNESOTA vs. New Orleans

Comments (4)

Am I the only one that thinks that NE/Den line should be more like 14??!

Or at least 9, Larry. Let's see how the Broncos' stalwart defense handles Brady & his record-setting TE. Tebow will be running around on his home turf again, don't forget. Big challenge for Belichik. The folks in Oakland & San Diego can barely wait.

That Thursday night game looks intriguing at 11pts. Falcons solid & resurging, but inconsistent; Jaguars struggling, but have a great running back and a defense that occasionally performs very well. Will analyze tonight and include somewhere as either an "Upset Special" or list it in the "Gamblers Corner."

Jacksonville at Atlanta -- Preview

Jacksonville is not an "Upset Special" this week. The Jags' rookie QB is going to have a tough time against the Falcons' defensive pressures and coverage at critical times. Still, this should be a better-than-most-expect TNF game, entertainment-wise.

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