Blogger-as-media case to be appealed
And apparently, this time the blogger will have professional legal counsel. It should make for some interesting freedom-of-speech precedent.
And apparently, this time the blogger will have professional legal counsel. It should make for some interesting freedom-of-speech precedent.
Comments (1)
In the future: What is your defense? Comments are open. Anyone that objects can post a rebuttal that will likely be viewed by the same people who read any claimed falsehoods.
Future legislation: Plaintiff must make their demand for retraction, with or without a detailed rebuttal to allegations, in the comments section of a blog post that allows comments, or be denied any recovery for damages attributable to the reading of such blog post. Blog host must then add a notation in the original post linking to the comment demanding retraction or offering rebuttal, or note that the original post was revised. Blog host may treat nasty email as failed attempt to post comment.
Posted by pdxnag | December 28, 2011 10:37 AM