An extra special bonus
We did some Christmas shopping at the Powell's Bookstore branch on Hawthorne Boulevard this afternoon, and OMG! Look what we got!

We are not making this up -- it's an actual contraband plastic grocery bag! Don't waste time asking how this is happening -- head on over, pick up a used copy of something by Hemingway, and when they ask if you would like a bag, just say yes!
Comments (8)
A Powell's cashier explains:
"As it turns out, the ban only affects grocery stores with over two million dollars in gross annual sales, as well as certain stores with pharmacies and more than ten thousand square feet, such as Walmart and Target. Powell’s is spared."
Powell's probably spent as much time crafting that exception as the McMenamins brothers did making sure their cigar bar a block away from Hawthorne Powells stayed open, despite the state ban on smoking in bars.
Posted by Random | December 21, 2011 5:32 PM
Stop it! How will Stenchy get to his goodies if all you avid readers line your slop buckets with plastic bags?
Posted by portland native | December 21, 2011 6:22 PM
I recall when Powell's was a hole-in-the wall, one-story with a loft on upper W. Burnside. I was in there, browsing around, when old man Powell himself emerged from the back of the place and asked me to help him move some stuff. He was building bookshelves back there, and we had to get them up the stairs to the loft.
We got them up there and secured; I went back to rooting through books, then took my booty to the register. Mr. Powell came over and said, "No charge. Enjoy them. And thanks for your help."
Good times.
Posted by Max | December 21, 2011 7:25 PM
Gee Max times sure have changed. I have had a hard time getting help the last few times I was in. You certainly don't want to stand in front of someone and ask them a question.
Posted by Evergreen Libertarian | December 21, 2011 7:48 PM
I was at Dollar Tree yesterday and bought 3 glass plates. The cashier placed each plate in its own plastic bag, then put all 3 bags into a 4th bag.
Posted by Michelle | December 21, 2011 9:11 PM
This is why the Admiral needs his own crack team of armed enforcement agents.
Only then will Portland be protected from spray paint, plastic bags, and drunken public urinators.
Posted by Mister Tee | December 21, 2011 9:37 PM
Thank to your reporting, that employee has been arrested by Sam Adams' "Green Team." She has been sentenced to 5 years hard labor recycling food scraps in North Plains.
Posted by Garage Wine | December 22, 2011 7:57 AM
The last time I bought a book at Powell's on Hawthorne, it was raining, and I was very glad to have a plastic bag to keep the book dry as I walked back to my car. When the plastic bag ban came down, I thought about Powell's and how I would never be able to buy a book there in wet weather (at least not without an umbrella). I'm glad to know that won't be the case.
Posted by Alice | December 22, 2011 10:48 AM