
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 5, 2011 5:39 PM. The previous post in this blog was More biased reporting from the O. The next post in this blog is Portland City Hall approval rating is way down. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Above the law

The pro football player who crashed his car downtown on Friday night allegedly lied to police about it. One person who apparently was a passenger in the car says she was in fact injured enough to require stitches, and a second was also reportedly injured, despite Ndamukong Suh's recorded statements to police that everyone was fine. In addition, there was apparently no taxicab involved in the incident, contrary to Suh's version of the crash.

And the Portland cops are washing their hands of the whole thing? What a dirty little town. Mike Reese, Sam Adams -- please step down. You're embarrassing yourselves, along with the rest of us, in front of an entire nation.

Comments (20)

The real crime here is that he put 19 inch rims on a classic Chevelle.

Car like that needs at least 20's :)

Dude wrecked his friend's classic car. Then refused to take her to the E/R... Major party foul.

I saw one of the PPB media types saying tonight that there's nothing left to investigate despite the reports from the two women to PPB and the photos of the one woman with stitches.

Nothing left to investigate?

Oh, really?

Hmmm, PPB apparently has forgotten that its a criminal offense to file a false police report in Oregon.

Should make for a real interesting set of motions to dismiss on the basis of selective prosecution next time PPB gets the DA to indict some poor schlep on a charge of filing a false police report.

This town and its cops and DA are ludicrous.

Agreed. They get zero respect because that's what they deserve. Remember the Sam Adams rear-ender? (The one with the truck.) The witnesses said he was reeking of beer with his shorts unzipped. Nothing to see there, either, apparently.

But one thing we know for sure: The Portland cops don't like Gus Van Sant's movies.

They're just following John Kroger's example: the laws only apply to the little people in Oregon.

This is pretty standard for PPB. I was hit in my car by someone who made an illegal turn, major damage to the cars, but thankfully only minor injuries. PPB responded but refused to investigate or issue a citation because no one was "entered into the trauma system" or killed...even though the other driver made an illegal turn and multiple witnesses told the officer that fact. The officer just made sure info was exchanged and called for tows. Just another day in tax you to death but provide no services Portland.

I wonder about this rather hefty gladiator. He plays for the Detroit Lions but doesn't care to stick around the lions headquarters once he's suspended. I guess Portland brings him closer to his mom. Hopefully, he matures a lot soon.

The PPB will reopen the investigation in 3, 2, 1...

Two words: Tonya Harding.

This guy's career and personal life are similarly heading in a downward spiral.

Maybe Suh should join the PoPo; seems like he would fit right in to that organization.

Portland: The City That Needs Intervention.

Put an ostrich on it.

I wish the police would ignore more of this silly stuff, occupy included, and maybe do some real policing. This kind of crap happens everyday, but everyone gets worked up because it is a celebrity.

If those girls where actually hurt then they will be taken care of by Suh or the civil courts. Suh is and will be punished in the court of public opinion.

Now, now, give Suh some credit. At least he didn't wreck his car in the parking lot of some motel on 82nd Avenue.

But what about the media, especially the sport media, which normally can't help itself when it comes to making bad puns?

Here's a guy who has an unusual name, with two obvious components just ripe for turning into puns -- "kong" and "suh." Are all of those potential puns off limits for reasons of political correctness?

In particular, some of the lyrics from that old Johnny Cash song, "A Boy Named Sue," almost perfectly describe Suh's style of play.

If there's one consistent thread in the history of the PPB it's that they feel entitled to interpret the law as they'd like it, rather than what they know it is. That's why so many used the KKK to enforce those "grey areas" back in the first half of the 20th Century, and why today certain folks are so obviously above the law of the PPB (cops, mayors, and the right celebrities) yet others get their batons, boots, and worse for not much reason at all.

Pete Simpson, their current spokesman, is a real piece of work. Then again, the fact they keep selecting lying thugs like him as their p.r. flack (remember Robert King and C.W. Jensen?) tells you even more about how seriously they take the ideal of justice for all--not much at all. Shame on them.

If this had happened in a parking lot at Jantzen Beach, it'd be a non-story. Unless, of course, he happened to stall out in a prime drug-dealing location.

See Jack's prior post, which included this link:


Do 'roid users turn in fellow users?

Good grief this city / state is sooooooooooooooooooooooo corrupt at so many different levels.

Kid was sober, should be congratulated

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