
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 1, 2011 7:54 PM. The previous post in this blog was In Hanford-land, lower property taxes. The next post in this blog is Will indicted Portland cop get off easy?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Thursday night 'dog

In our charity pro football underdog game, only one player, Michael K., has chosen Seattle at home vs. Philadelphia tonight. And at the moment, he's ahead, 24-14.

UPDATE, 8:18 p.m.: The Seachickens win -- the collapse of the Eagles is now complete -- and that picks up 2½ points for Michael K., who's in third place out of the 33 players in our game.

Comments (3)

I’ll have what he’s having. Who knew Seachickens could taste so good?

Vince Young sure stunk up the place tonight. I think he did a lot of damage calling the Eagles a Dream Team back at the beginning of the season. No, Vince, if it was a dream team, you wouldn't be on it.

Here's my analysis: The Eagles had a great defensive coach named Jim Johnson. During his time, that side of the ball would get great players, and McNabb and Westbrook would hold down the offense. For years, they'd say, "Too bad McNabb doesn't have a great wide receiver." That's how they gambled on Terrell Owens.

Since Johnson died, there's been too much focus on flashy offensive players because that is Andy Reid's thing. A defense that, years ago, used to feature Reggie White and company is now small and quick, but not dominant.

The Eagles are a shell of a great team.
But I remain a fan for life.

Like what just happened in the NHL with the just-fired coach of the Washington Capitals getting hired tonight to take the place of the even-more-just-fired coach of the Anaheim Ducks, Andy Reid could end up getting fired by the Eagles, and then hired to take Norv "No Blindfold" Turner's place in San Diego:


Meanwhile, Van Brocklin's spinning in his grave, and Bednarik just snapped off a fire hydrant and threw it into Vince Young's living room....

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