
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 22, 2011 4:24 PM. The previous post in this blog was Blizzard of lies continues. The next post in this blog is Portland to test expansion of curbside composting program. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Your tax dollars at work, cont'd

Here's a classic use of Portland City Hall staff time.

Comments (6)

Folks who post on this blog know that I am not an apolgist for City Hall, or for Randy, but.....

1. This appears to emminate from the Fire Bureau, not City Hall;

2. For generations, in PDX and elsewhere, firehouses have had fire fighters cook, and cook a lot of food very nicely;

3. The nature of the fire suppression business by definition requires a huge amountof waiting around time, waiting for the call to come in which sends the "house" out to a fire, or a road accident, or on some other EMT type call.

4. Given what I see in other Bureaus (BDS; BPS; Water: BES), I'm having a problem getting all worked up about this as a waste of fire bureau employee time.

Your mileage may vary.

The recipe itself came from one of the city's seven-figure army of "public information officers." And surely one or more additional central office "tweeters" were involved.

We use "City Hall" to denote city government generally. Try to catch on.

Next weeks recipe: PPB's Oleoresin Capsicum Hot Wings. With a flavor so good they'll bring tears to your eyes!

Oh come on nonny, he's a public employee, and he's DOING STUFF! How are you not outraged?????

That dessert actually looks tasty. Thanks for sharing.

Mountains out of mole hills.

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