
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 1, 2011 5:22 PM. The previous post in this blog was Second Oregon Supreme Court judge retiring. The next post in this blog is WW asks, "Who else is exploiting Occupy Portland?". Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Vote out all the incumbents?

This next time around, it might actually happen.

Comments (5)

I'll believe it when I see it. The "Vote out the incumbents" rage usually applies only to someone else's incumbents. (Not that I blame them, seeing as my home is responsible for inflicting Rick Perry, Joe Barton, and John Cornyn upon the rest of the country.)

Again, Warren Buffett's idea for 38 States to pass a Constitutional Amendment right around Congress:

When the 'deficit' exceeds 3% of 'GNP' then every seated Member of Congress is ineligible for re-election.

Definitions of deficit and GNP and the trigger percentage can be debated and resolved as the proposal spreads and develops. I just like to hear that hammer clause again and again, for fiduciary failure of Ways and Means "... every seated Member of Congress is ineligible for re-election."

Thus We the People can at last beat down and close the Pentagon, and make some plowshares.

This next time around, it might actually happen.

This next time around, it should actually happen.

Considering the state of our local and national picture, with perhaps the exception of a few, how can we possibly keep those in who have let us down and clearly do not represent us?

Since the polls are showing the public’s poor rating of both the D’s and R’s, we may need to run good people who are willing to give service for the good of our country and its people as Independents.

The system needs to be cleansed for ourselves and for future generations. At my recent class reunion, some lamented “What happened, we were asleep at the wheel!” My point, I believe we are waking up, but we now also need to become engaged as we cannot depend on current political careerists to take charge for the better.


61% Favor Idea of an Independent Presidential Candidate Running

The American people are now very favorably inclined towards the idea of an independent presidential candidate challenging both Barack Obama and the eventual Republican nominee next year. According to a new Washington Post/ABC News poll an overwhelming 61 percent favor the idea of such a challenge, while only 32 percent hold an unfavorable opinion of a possible independent run.

The result is not surprising. The American public is experiencing near record levels of dissatisfaction with America’s two major political parties. Thousand of Americans have been protesting in the streets for weeks, and Congress’ job approval is at its lowest level ever. So it’s logical that the majority of Americans are at least open to the idea of totally new and different leadership. The American people are clearly upset with Washington and the two parties that have been running the country.

See link for more on article and comments.

I couldn't agree more. One of the main problems in Washington is everyone is aleays runnibg for re-election. It's time we forced a term limit. congress will never do that to themselves, but as voters we can do it. We need to limit everyone in Congress to 1 term. Eventually they'll get the message that of they don't do their job, they won;t have a job!

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