The morning after

It's over now for Richard Lariviere. The writing was on the wall, and it wasn't in Sanskrit. He's out the door at the end of the calendar year, and he'll have to suffer through living on a mere $245,700 severance for a while.
Now the angry U of O crowd is calling for the head of the chancellor of the university system, George Pernsteiner (above), on a silver platter. They've never liked the guy, but lately it's gotten personal.
Meanwhile, the mainstream media sum it up in their inimitable style: "Questions remains." Yes they does.
Comments (10)
Getting along with people is 50% of holding down a job (at least). So he had a lot of "good ideas" (that statement is still unproven, but his supporters seem to believe it.)
If you can't avoid stepping on toes, particularly among those with the power to fire you, the quality of your ideas is moot.
Particularly in the office of University President, diplomacy and political savvy seem like a total requisites, no matter how tedious it is to glad-hand people.
Posted by Snards | November 29, 2011 11:57 AM
Yes they does.
Posted by Ex-bartender | November 29, 2011 1:07 PM
No thank to the BizJo's internets editor, I guess. Pretty funny, given that it's a news article about higher educationism, too.
Under Heavy Manners ~ Fripp/Byrne
Posted by Mojo | November 29, 2011 1:46 PM
I don't want to hear about privatizing my alma mateer, until someone writes a check to the general fund for the fair market value of the Land, buildings and intellectual property built up at taxpayer expense since the founding of the U of O.
Posted by John F.Bradach, Sr. | November 29, 2011 1:54 PM
I don't want to hear about privatizing my alma mater, until someone writes a check to the general fund for the fair market value of the Land, buildings and intellectual property built up at taxpayer expense since the founding of the U of O.
Posted by John F.Bradach, Sr. | November 29, 2011 1:55 PM
Well...It's nice to see that somebody currently near the centers of power was paying attention when OHSU went "public corporation" and bolted from the OUS system.
Of course, the demand that the state sell $100 million in bonds to _give_ to the new irresponsible UO sorta grabbed a lot of unwanted attention.
I think it was clear that nobody, but nobody, wants a tram up Skinner Butte.
Posted by godfry | November 29, 2011 3:07 PM
I think it was clear that nobody, but nobody, wants a tram up Skinner Butte.
Gets my vote for best line on the issue!
Posted by Max | November 29, 2011 11:08 PM
UO Board Member David Yaden is a decades long Goldschmidt Man. The "Gotten Personal" Link is revealing
Puzzle picture coming into focus.
Posted by flyonthewall | November 29, 2011 11:40 PM
I don't get the logic of the students who rally and support this guy who is being let go. He handed out lavish bonuses despite guideance not to; and more importantly, how can such care free spending on bonuses not but hurt already high tuition fees?
Posted by Bob Clark | November 30, 2011 12:33 AM
John, the plan was not to privatize U of O. It was to create a governing board separate from the current OUS board, reduce legislative and gubernatorial control of board, and establish a set level of state contributions. The last would be accomplished by the bonding plan.
Bob, I wouldn't call them "lavish bonuses." He spent $5 million to increase the pay of 1100 faculty and administrators--that translates into an average of $4500. They were pay increases at a time when other state employees had no pay increases. This reasonably created a furor, and the claim that the increases were paid for by non-state funds (out of the endowment) may have been true in accounting terms but was obviously a fiction.
If you want to know where U of O ranks in terms of salaries, you can find out at Just select "facts and figures." The average full professor salary at U of O is 103,000 (a typical full professor has been in the business for 15 or more years). This compares to 121,000 at U Washington, 117 at U Arizona, 121 at U Colorado. These are the schools that U of O aspires to be like, but it's going to be hard to get there with salaries 20% below market.
It's interesting that everyone is up in arms about supposed "privatization" when the state only covers 9% of current U of O budget. Over at BlueOregon, an ex OUS member and PSU graduate is bemoaning the number of out of state students at U of O and OHSU, while also complaining about tuition rates. Here's the deal--at 9% state support level, the out of state tuition is the only thing that keeps the in-state tuition at a reasonable level.
Posted by paul g. | December 1, 2011 10:22 AM