
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 16, 2011 8:33 AM. The previous post in this blog was There goes yet another one, cont'd. The next post in this blog is It isn't just Citizens United. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

SolarWorld on the ropes

The stock of German solar manufacturer SolarWorld, which has a big installation in Hillsboro, has been getting hammered this week as it showed a loss for the third quarter. The stock is trading at 2.98 Euros a share, down from its 52-week high of 11.98 Euros. It's lost three quarters of its value. Other solar manufacturers are also taking hits, as there's too much supply and not enough demand for their products.

Meanwhile, SolarWorld's comical trade complaint against China -- "They're subsidizing solar!" -- is not getting a universally warm reception, even at home. An American semiconductor association said yesterday that it's siding with the Chinese in the dispute.

Comments (5)

And now the Solar Bubble is evaporating in the light of reality.

Who would have ever guessed?

About those solar panels on county buildings...


My proposed remedy, if there must be haste to just get started for political Green reasons, is to build in a clause in any panel purchase contract to reset the price in say three years to the market price at that time.

Maybe Jeff Cogen could find a solution. A shady deal structure is peddled as routine, and thus deemed acceptable.

How can subsidizing solar be a complaint againt China these days? Obama has been handing money out to anyone who says they have brother-in-law who once read a book about making solar panels.

One of the few things that can get Sam out of the city hall men's room is a photo op at a solar mfg.

Didn't Sam-I-Am take a little vacation to China not too long ago?

Uh, isn't SEMI an international association that doesn't want to have their ax gored in a similar fashion for the various products they produce in non-domestic locations?

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