
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 5, 2011 8:20 AM. The previous post in this blog was What, the frack?. The next post in this blog is 'Dog day eve. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Reader poll: Ten pairs of boxer shorts?

An old girlfriend of mine used to say stuff like "That's a great deal even if you never did wear it." Her pearls of wisdom came to mind as we pondered a consumer dilemma the other day. We were thinking about picking up a few pair of boxer shorts, and the kind we've been wearing lately were on sale, buy-one-get-one-free. But they came in five-packs, and that meant we'd be buying 10 pair all at once. The sticker on the bag said something like 32 bucks.

We're not in desperate need of any at this point -- we just wanted a couple to add to the rotation. And so 10 seemed like too many to buy at the same time. Then again, we'll most likely wear them eventually, as our handy-dandy "efficient" washing machine slowly wrecks the elastic in everything that goes into it. Should we have bought two five-packs for the price of one? There may still be time to do it; we think the sale ends today.

Should I buy 10 pair of boxer shorts all at once?
pollcode.com free polls 

Comments (22)

To me, buying in bulk means that I have the appropriate storage capacity and that I will live long enough to use the product. Be a pragmatist and an optimist!

Should we have bought two five-packs for the price of one?

In the unforgettable word of Bob Dole: "Depends."

Wheres the box to vote for tidy whities...


Buy them. If we are ever going to get out of this recession everyone must spend! spend! spend!

Low wage service and retail jobs do not create themselves.

You're young. You'll wear them.

If the per shorts price for the five-pack bag is comparable to buying them singly, and you really don't think you'll use the extra bag, why not donate it? The groups that put together clothing boxes for the needy are always looking for new underwear and socks.

Just a thought...

It's the dryer that wrecks the elastic, more than the detergent or washer. Hang them on a clothes line, they'll last longer. And, btw, since you're sharing with the world you're a boxers not briefs guy, please tell us you don't use "fabric softener" or those godawful "dryer sheets."

Are you not a "brief" kind of guy?

Butt then, if we were to experience a 10 day series of life threatening events you would always be prepared.

That category of item is not available at Goodwill. And even if it was . . .

I'm not talking about Goodwill. There's a lot of stuff they won't take, and unless you feel like lining the pockets of their excessively paid execs, I wouldn't donate anything there.

Homeless shelters, for instance. Our school district takes donations for low income students of all ages and their families. A veteran's group in our area is always looking for this kind of stuff.

And for goodness sake, isn't it obvious that donations of underwear and socks would be for new items, still in the package? Seriously...

With 10 pairs of underwear I could go a month without doing laundry!

New underwear is always a good idea.

You could donate the extra ones to Ocupy Portland.....

If you go for 10, what if your waist size "changes" in the next couple of years? Or suddenly realize you're a briefs guy. If you buy bulk, go with socks.

Seems like you should be looking at a new washing machine and/or dryer. Before we bought our home in the Reno area we leased a home that had a gas dryer that ruined more items than I care to think about. The washer was also very low end; and we used to joke that all that was missing were the coin slots.
When we moved into our current home we bought a new GE top loading washer and dryer set with stainless steel baskets. Everything from delicate cycle items for my wife to filthy auto shop towels comes out clean and fluffy. Lots more options for hot/warm/old water, extra rinse cycles and drying options too!

Sometimes you gotta spend money to save money.
Just put the extras away in linen closet or something and gradually rotate them in.
Yellow in front, brown in back! (As my loder bro used to say.)

Jack, that depends,are you prone to skidmarks? If the answer is yes,double down on the purchase as it will all come out in the wash!

Your colleague Richard Posner would urge you to compare the savings from buying the additional five pairs now rather than later to the time value of holding the money until you need to purchase the next five pairs. Also you need to determine the probability that the boxers will be on sale next time you purchase them. Or he might just urge you to free ball it.

The time value of the money doesn't much impress me when my bank account is paying a big 1%.


With the giving season approaching, and ex-bartender having the story half correct, it is the PTA clothing center (site info referenced above) NOT the district itself that is always in need of new socks, underwear and other gently used clothing for pre-schoolers to high schoolers. The woman that runs the place, Sharon Meigh-Chang, is a saint along with the parent volunteers that are supplied from each elementary, middle and high school in the city. The center has been over whelmed in the past year (or couple of years) with increased demands for services so give the extra pack to them or better anyone who reads this make an effort to help refill the closet.

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