
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 28, 2011 11:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was Oregon PERS data: Could they spare it?. The next post in this blog is Lariviere had an official "mentor". Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, November 28, 2011

More reasons to hate banks, and the Fed

What really went on behind the scenes during the financial crisis three years ago is enough to make one's flesh crawl. Here's another brick in the wall.

Comments (7)

Uhhhhhhhhhhhh and people wonder "What's up with all this "Occupy stuff...."

Until some of these crooks end up in jail there will be an underlying sympathy for OWS. Don't underestimate the chaos that this will cause on an ongoing basis. Doesn't everyone know at least one person that got screwed over by the banks in this process.

Most importantly, they didn't run up a $100,000 parks bill. That's what really killed us.

Just finished the book "Confidence Men" by Ron Suskind. Spends a large part of it talking about the whole fiscal fiasco and TARP, etc. Sample - the Feds giving TRILLIONS in interest-free loans to the banks, which they used to turn around and buy Fed instruments which then paid them interest. WTF.

Crooks. Everyone of them.

Ignore who is asking the questions -- just listen and check the dates of the hearings.




Free money is the best kind.

It's the combination of complexity, obfuscation by the major benefactors, and de-facto collusion (often in the name of "the greater good") between folks who are supposed to balance interests and check excesses, that means this story will never be known by the vast majority of folks paying for it.

That's you by the way.

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