
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 30, 2011 5:35 PM. The previous post in this blog was PERS list as an Excel file. The next post in this blog is Week's last 'dog is a mini. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

And now, a movie

Comments (12)

I don't know how you come up with some of this stuff, Jack. But THAT was pretty cool.
Happy Holidays everyone.

Somebody took the time to teach right from wrong. It's so easy to be wrong. With a little help, right is easy too. Thanks Jack.


Touching film. However, in 1943, a member of the Hitlerjugend would have been out the window calling "Ein Jude ist hier, der ist ein Jude Hier!" in a heartbeat.
Remember, children were turning their parents in at that time in Germany. No one was safe.

Thanks for sharing.
Now to think about what our politicos are deciding today.

Not all, HMLA, not all....

Thanks, Jack

Beautiful too Evergreen, wonderful.
My beef after watching something so touching is why does the IRS flash a message across my,our,the screen with some new way to pay taxes?
Totally wrong and why do you(Jack) allow this? Don't you control your screen?
I don't get it! The IRS message ruined the moment, which was lovely.

That's YouTube. I don't have anything to do with it. If we want the movie, we host the ads.

Touching. Every holocaust film seems to be very touching (Schindler's List, Life is Beautiful). But I cannot get passed the ugliness of humanity.

It's a pretty touching scene.

But in 1943 Germany the response would not be three physically fit soldiers armed with submachine guns. It would have been one old or disabled policeman armed with a pistol or a 1898 Mauser. He most likely would have taken the boys home to their parents to be punished for breaking into a building.

In 1943 the physically fit men would have been on the Russian Front, Italy or in the Army somewhere, not chasing around some kids.

And even in 1943 most Germans were not the evil Nazi fanatics that populate the movies. They were much more like everyday people who loved their country. (However misguided you might consider them now)

The boy would have been shocked to see a Jewish child without horns or fangs. He would have been fed that description for his entire life.

The shop would have been stripped to the walls of furnishings and any metal melted down for the War effort long before 1943.

It does make for a nice little movie though it's hard to judge in isolation.

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