
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 21, 2011 10:10 AM. The previous post in this blog was "Green" industry not so dumb after all. The next post in this blog is Another Friday night burial. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, November 21, 2011

A tale of two pepper sprays

The police officer who did this has been suspended.

Should the police officer who did this be suspended?

Comments (29)

Indict him & his superiors who gave & passed the order (or permission). But, can't you just hear the "Nuremburg defense" coming? Put a firebird on it.

Was the one at Davis an actual police officer? I thought they were campus rent-a-cops. Not that it changes anything, just curious.

I love seeing new photos of our UC-Davis lieutenant and his little phallic extension. Why do I suspect he masturbates by slicing pubic hairs until he finds the one that bleeds?

She eats pain.

I loved the PPB video release. Please,please can't we see what happened for the two minutes prior to the spray?

I'm sure that if those riot cops were really threatened by that young woman, we should be able to see the evidence

Photo begging for a caption contest. It looks like he’s promenading.
“One, two, three… spray! One, two, three… spray!”

lol (I've got to put my coffee away)

Awwwwwwww darn it I never win the internet!

Focus, people. Bog asked what about one of Portland's sadist-at-arms.

"Was the one at Davis an actual police officer? I thought they were campus rent-a-cops. Not that it changes anything, just curious."

University of California cops are actual police officers.

And the UC-D guy's got two service stripes, indicating he's got at least 10 years in. Hence, he got rank privilege in getting first dibs on punishing those kids. Meanwhile, back in Portland....?

Im pretty sure the police are authorized to pepper spray people in order to encourage compliance. Ever watch cops? People get it all the time for not putting their hands behind their back.

Shoot! Literally the cops can and do regularly, killing and seriously injuring people all the time here. Ya think Mayor Creepy and the Fireman and their 1% supporters are going to discipline some cop for shooting pepper spray?

Could pepper spray be an ordinary means of encouraging compliance in a prison? If not, then . .

In my hunt for an answer I instead found this case where it was used to shut up a noisy handcuffed arrestee in the back seat.
Context matters: Vinyard v. Wilson, 311 F. 3d 1340 (11th Cir. 2002)

to answer the question, yes, he or she should be suspended at the very least

Police training expert: Spraying protesters was extreme

Cops do have to put up with an awful lot sometimes. And once in a while it would feel so gooood to get back at the dirt bags, loud bitches...

But they get paid (pretty well and with a very nice, very early retirement) to resist that urge to vengence. Yes, he should be put on unpaid leave.


Non-violent protesters don't push back when the police are pushing them. They don't ignore warnings they are about to be targeted with chemical weapons.

They don't wear gas masks, or destroy property, or occupy a banks they dislike.

These twenty-something precious snowflakes were raised to think they can do whatever they want with impunity. Pepper spray is the logical outcome of becoming combatitive/argumentative when the police are engaged in crowd control.

I think the PPB showed remarkable restraint. Had they deployed the pepper spray earlier, the mere threat of using it again might have influenced the protesters. Repeatedly threatening to use it without actually doing so degrades the threat value.

It seems to me pepper spray is preferable to most other means of contolling people.

Better than tasering them.

Maybe some of these people should try shouting "Don't spray me bro".

Here's an interesting link: http://amovingworld.blogspot.com/2011/11/corrupt-origins-and-hidden-dangers-of.html

"What is perhaps less known about all this is that the original FBI work done to clear OC for widespread use involved bribery by a leading pepper spay manufacturer, and the agent in charge of the testing was convicted and spent jail time for his role in it. "

Seems we don't have enough info on the Portland cop to make the call, Jack

Scenario number 1) Female protester starts to yawn while peacefully exercising her right to assemble and cop sees an open target. Unable to resist he squirts her right in the kisser. In this case the cop should probably go.

Scenario number 2) Loud offensive woman yelling obsenities at police is told to back up safely or risk being pepper sprayed. She advances instead and screams threats. The cop figures a spray beats a physical confrontation anytime, and reacts accordingly. In this case the cop should probably stay.

Which one seems more likely to have occurred?

OR... Scenario #3, as has been reported in the news and in the comments of this blog several times:


A tiny, 5' tall girl is in a crowd of people sandwiched between riot police on one side and mounted police on the other. She struggles to remain on the sidewalk as directed, but is being pushed from behind while being pushed from in front by riot police. A police woman jabs her baton into the girl's ribcage and holds it against her throat. Girl becomes angry and yells at cop that she is being mistreated. Girl gets face full of pepper spray from point blank range.

But it's so much more fun creating your own reality, isn't it?

Or you can look here and decide for your self:


Both the police woman and Sargent had to push their way through other riot police to reach the girl. The Sargent already had his can of spray ready before he even pushed his way through and well UP ON THE SIDEWALK to reach around and use the spray.

A lot of comments and even the statement made with the release of this video are flat out wrong. Download the clip from youtube, use software like Sony Vegas pro to zoom in frame by frame. Also take time to look at other videos done at the same time. An ethical department would suspend both officers for this unprovoked assault. But Portland would clear the officer if he had shot her!(The Sargent standing beside the little policewoman would have been in fear for his life... Wink wink)

"... online seller of pepper sprays says Sabre Red "combines the inflammatory effects of Red Pepper with the severe facial irritation produced by CS Tear Gas to produce an effect which is superior to any single ingredient defense spray."
Turns out, the white-colored pepper spray deployed last Thursday in Portland (and captured in photographer Randy Rasmussen's viral photo) was Def-Tec First Defense MK-9, according to Portland Police spokesman Sgt. Pete Simpson. The Police Bureau is using up its stock of the Def-Tec as it transitions to Sabre Red, which is seven times hotter, he said

I'm sure no one in either crowd remembers the 60s, but have they never read about them or seen the TV clips?
To call pepper spraying, even up close and personal, brutality is to do disservice to the word.
The California kids were clearly warned -- the cop held the spray can up in the air before he walked down the line --and they chose to sit there and take it. If the stuff really was as awful as people now claim, the sit-downers would have moved pretty quick.
Maybe the police weren't nice, but this was a pretty low level of force compared to hitting with sticks, bending fingers and wrists to point of intense pain, tasers and such. If you really believe the use of spray is wrong, OK. But it simply can't be compared to real brutality.

You are right "niceoldguy" Portland Police beating a man to death might be called real brutality. Good old southern fire hose down would be progress too. Warned has nothing to do with it, degree of brutality has nothing to do with it. Democracy is messy. Just think what would have happened if the police just left for donuts? The collapse of order?
After the Portland police lost control of themselves they were withdrawn, and order was restored. Think about it.

Give all the cops medals for every whiny kid they spray.

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