
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 5, 2011 4:22 PM. The previous post in this blog was New scandal in Blazerland. The next post in this blog is Trouble on Pill Hill. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

"Your neighborhood is ruined -- but with conditions"

It's become a familiar refrain from the Portland City Council. Most recently it was the SoWhat immigration jail next door to an elementary school -- finally approved today. Now it's a food slop center out in Lents. When it comes to screwing up a nice neighborhood, the answer, it seems, is yes, but with conditions. How Saltzmanesque.

Comments (7)

They don't care. They don't have to. They are the CoP (apologies to Ernestine).

City council also unanimously approved the ICE detention center in South Waterfront.

The approval is tentative; the City Council will take a final vote on the proposal at another hearing.

Whats the matter, more difficult to stab people in the back when they are sitting in front of you? Another hearing? most likely less people to have to face!

Time after time it seems no matter what the issue,....they turn their backs on the citizenry. What do they take, hate the people pills in addition to workshops as to how to deal with screwing the people?

I knew years ago how bad they were, now a new group and even worse!! I also knew that they would begin with neighborhoods with less clout so to speak and that eventually they would move on to other places. It is like they take an inch and now miles and no neighborhood is exempt anymore from the insanity.

Mabye the luxury condo owners will remember in November?

"How Saltzmanesque."

Dan was seen at the League of Cities annual confab in Bend last week.

and ...

"What do they take, hate the people pills in addition to workshops as to how to deal with screwing the people?"

Pretty much... agenda item for one of the Break Out Sessions: 'Civility: Integrating Angry People'

Not sure if he was leading the session, or in the back taking notes.

clinamen, the reason that the council has to do a tentative approval is that they have to adopt formal findings of fact to support a quasi-judicial land use decision. This means that they have to take two votes: one to approve or disapprove the project, and then one a few weeks later to approve or disapprove the specific findings to justify their decision. If they approve a project they usually try to get the applicant to write the findings for them.

Thank you.
I made some nasty comments today, as was upset
with their unanimously approving this project.

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