Who's the anchor tenant for Burnside Bridgehead?
The ill-fated development project on the east end of Portland's Burnside Bridge is supposedly heating up again. Beam is the developer du jour, and it says it's close to a deal with a tenant who will take 25,000 square feet of office space:
For tenants, Beam plans to target PDC's target clusters, which include clean technology, software, and outdoor and apparel businesses. Malsin said that the company is in detailed negotiations with a large tenant in one of the PDC's clusters to rent 25,000 square feet in the building. That agreement, which is almost finished, Malsin said, is expected to be the last step needed to secure financing for project construction.
Ah, the "clusters" -- so appropriate. Anybody know who this mystery guest is?
In any event, we've been told "any day now" on the Burnside Bridgehead site for the better part of a decade. We'll believe the value that the taxpayers are getting for the money when we see it.
Comments (13)
25k sf is about one floor in Big Pink. Maybe a law firm? Bullivant is hurting ...
Posted by Garage Wine | October 27, 2011 3:32 PM
I don't care about my tax liability. Tell me the rules so I can try make a profit and pay tax.
"For tenants, Beam plans to target PDC's target clusters"
If I join this FOXTROT of target businesses downtown, do I accept a mandated guarantee of allowed profit, or should I wait until I can invest my money in a gamble? I need a sleep number bed to store cash and an offshore account to bury gold.
Posted by dhughes609 | October 27, 2011 5:14 PM
Garage Wine: That is the second reference to Bullivant "hurting" I have heard this week. What is going on over there?
Posted by reader | October 27, 2011 5:20 PM
Perhabs Baloney Joe's can reopen in a bigger and better building?
Posted by John W. | October 27, 2011 6:06 PM
Bullivant: http://www.wweek.com/portland/blog-27775-bullivant_owes_former_shareholders_$16_million_t.html
Posted by Jack Bog | October 27, 2011 6:21 PM
Obviously it is PDC itself. It is a targeted cluster. The square footage after their downsizing matches perfectly. They like to move about every 10 years to suck up failed PDC ventures.
And they are a catalyst. Ask them.
Posted by lw | October 27, 2011 6:59 PM
At least they didn't build it and shrink wrap it like they did in Lents. That monstrosity overlooks the parking lot where last week's gang shooting was.
Posted by swimmer | October 27, 2011 7:18 PM
The fact that Malsin gets the property for free should be investigated. Did he "rent out" his beach house again?
Slippery Malsin has learned to suck from the Portland teat better than Edlen. He should be ashamed of himself, and this entire deal should be investigated.
Posted by PD | October 27, 2011 8:44 PM
Yes these developer putzes need to be investigated BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT - because it's clearly obvious the State Attorney General's office is not up to doing anything of substance.
Posted by Dave A. | October 28, 2011 6:48 AM
Reader: Bullivant has lost a lot of senior attorneys over the past few years. Now, the company is asking for more time to pay those attorneys.
Posted by Garage Wine | October 28, 2011 6:51 AM
Maybe Ringling Brothers will become a tenant. This is all a three ring circus anyway, isn't it?
Posted by paul | October 28, 2011 7:24 AM
Would be interesting to find out just how many vacancies already exist in pdx?
One can get an idea at night when few lights are on in condo/housing projects. Is there an inventory count somewhere of commercial and housing vacancies?
Posted by clinamen | October 28, 2011 9:51 AM
The Illegal Alien Day-Labor Hiring Center?
Posted by RJBob | October 28, 2011 11:56 AM