
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 29, 2011 6:31 PM. The previous post in this blog was I'll be 'doggone if I wouldn't work all day, baby. The next post in this blog is Art fills the void. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

What's the difference, Jamison Square and Lownsdale Square?

The city is letting Occupy Portland camp out at Lownsdale and Chapman Squares, across from the county courthouse and City Hall, but the police say they are going to arrest any demonstrator who stays at Jamison Square, in the Pearl District, past midnight tonight.

What's the difference? The Sam Rand Twins, who run the City Council, say it's because Jamison is a "neighborhood park," whereas the other two blocks are not. Admiral Randy also says there are single mothers and children living in the Pearl District who are afraid of the protesters.

That's ridiculous. The city has spent literally tens of millions of dollars trying to convince more people to live downtown, and downtown is more of a residential neighborhood than it's been in a half century or longer. And to assert that dragging demonstrators out of the toney Pearl is somehow "for the children" is just plain lame.

City parks are public places -- all of them. There's no principled distinction among them. And if the city fathers think that an unruly band of protesters with an amorphous agenda is going to play nice and do as they are told, they're kidding themselves.

The only uncertainty at this point is how long it will take for the Portland police to lose their cool and apply excessive force. It might not be tonight, but it's almost sure to happen before Occupy is over.

Even those demonstrators who leave the Pearl District as ordered tonight may be back tomorrow. The park reopens at 5 a.m., doesn't it? A Sunday morning drum circle would be interesting.

Comments (12)

I agree they have the right to be there. But given the very few people who were willing to line up as "willing to be arrested" when that was called for, I'm not sure how much momentum there is.

What I overheard was that the cops will wait until midnight to see who violates curfew. They have most of the mounted patrol unit out and in the park.

One lady pointed out horse poop that hadn't been picked up (they are usually pretty good about that). I found it ironic.

There are lots of turds involved.

Horse poop is not the same as human feces.

But the Occupados Fleabaggers smell and look way too bad for the Pearlista and their babies.

Here, it really is for the children, they are the future.

Maybe the Occupados could go to the West Hills or Dunthorp? I mean, for the children, and all....

There are a lot of Manhattanites in the Pearl with more expected soon and the PDC doesn't need word of Occupy problems in the area.

What's the difference, Jamison Square and Lownsdale Square?

Homer Williams and Gerding-Edlen don't have properties near Lownsdale Square.

'Know who your friends are,' Leonard tells 'Occupy Portland'

That's precious, why anyone would trust a guy like Leonard is beyond me.

We love the Leonard tough-guy "gangsta rap" posing as their "friend", and the guy in charge. He wouldn't even give Occupy access to the portable PWB faucet system made available last summer to dogs and kids at the Mississippi street fair.

Too much free time and not enough face time for our out-going lame duck. It won't be soon enough to say goodbye to our favorite pretender.

The "ows" could occupy Washington Park. I don't think there are any public spaces in Dunthorpe. The original 1%ers who founded Dunthorpe as their very own version of "the Hamptons" for summer residences made damn sure no regular folks moved in for years.
My mother who was born in 1911, used to tell me stories of going to watch the Corbett, the Ladd, and the Failing families packing up the wagons and the hired to go to Dunthorpe for the summer months.
Hardly anyone remembers those families now.
Plus ca change...

What's next?

According to the techies who track the web, the OWS movement is "cresting", and starting into a "consolodation phase".


Elsewhere, arrests have fostered support:

"Cecily Friday, one of the original Occupy Nashville protesters, said the administration's attempt to get rid of the demonstrators has 'completely backfired.'

'Over 1,000 people have been added to our Facebook page since the arrests,' she said.

On Saturday afternoon, about 150 people showed up for an Occupy Nashville meeting. Lisa Keylon, a city planner, was there for the first time. She said she was recently in Atlanta, discussing with friends how unorganized the protests seemed, wondering how long they could last.

Then people were arrested in Atlanta, followed by those in Nashville.

'Now people are fired up because their First Amendment rights are being violated,' she said."

Is there a local judge as committed to the First Amendment as this man:

"Nashville magistrate Tom Nelson has said there's no legal reason in his city to keep the demonstrators behind bars and he has released them after each arrest. He has refused each night to sign off on arrest warrants for more than two dozen people taken into custody.

Some legal experts agreed with the judge.

The arrests appeared to be a violation of First Amendment rights that allow for people to peacefully assemble, said attorney David Raybin, a former prosecutor. He and others said the nature of the arrests, coupled with the judge's refusal to sign off on the warrants, could become ammunition for lawsuits.

'The government is exposing itself to serious liability here by doing this,' Raybin said."

Certainly, the erstwhile pornographer's assistant and US Attorney appointed judge by former Gov. Kulongoski and subsequently elected unopposed -- so beloved by Karl Rove -- is unlikely to exhibit such respect for the First Amendment and those whose rights are protected by it.

First amendment or not, I believe it will boil down the the practicality of the tools that the city council and police have at their disposal for dealing with the situation - which are very few.

In about 45 minutes, the police will start warning people of the curfew. Then the'll ask those remaining to leave. Then they'll start moving in and - what? Write park exclusions? We know how that will turn out - we'll see the same people return again and again. I can't believe they'll just fill up the jails, because they won't have the space.

Randy should be careful about calling OP's bluff. I believe he'll have to back down, unless he really wants things to turn ugly with the police. Which, as we know, might happen anyway with or without Randy posturing.

And by the way, here's a live video feed from Jamison Square.

This pits Sam/Rand's progressive ideology against the establishment authority and supporters they represent.

In fact, they were both elected by labor interests, the government class, and the Arlington Club/MAC centers of influence.

The patina of progressive ideology is stripped away when they are forced to choose between tolerating freedom of expression vs. maintaining the bourgeois tranquility of Homer's Pearl.

City code and park regulations don't matter when it's Tri-Met's ridership that is forced to detour.

Days later, code enforcement and park regulations are the ONLY thing that matters in the Pearl.

It also reveals the bipolar mindset that infects Sam's thinking: paying lip service to helping a young man come to terms with his sexuality while plying lips to the young man's naive libido. Similarly, Sam lectures the citizenry about taking transit while driving his pickup truck on the weekends. It must be very difficult for him to reconcile these two disparate projections of his self-image.

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