Welcome, NCAI

Photo courtesy Joshua Eddings.
The National Congress of American Indians is holding its national convention in Portland this week. Tribal leaders from around the country are meeting at the Convention Center to hold discussions with each other, with their supporters, and with the politicians and government officials with whom they constantly deal. It's the first time that the group has brought its big meeting to Portland in several decades. We wish them a successful week.
Comments (4)
Now there's a group who knows a little something about being occupied.
Posted by reader | October 31, 2011 9:41 AM
No kidding.
Posted by Jack Bog | October 31, 2011 9:44 AM
Lars Larson recently did a commentary attacking schools for teaching kids to "hate America." Oh, what Lars objects to is teaching kids the TRUTH...you know the TRUTH about the slaughter of native
Indian Americans by "Europeans."
Posted by paul | October 31, 2011 10:04 AM
Liars Larson is just another form of air pollution.
Btw, someone please let our convening indigenous peoples know that it's not safe to ride Max the Iron Hearse nor to walk around that part of town, especially after dark.
Posted by Mojo | October 31, 2011 10:16 AM