
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 16, 2011 4:33 PM. The previous post in this blog was Taking a stab at safety. The next post in this blog is PC unwelcome wagon arrives. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Two 'dogs have their day

Tampa Bay and San Francisco scored points for the players in our charity underdog game today, leaving the standings as follows with four players riding on the Fish tomorrow night:

AKevin 21.5
PDXileinOmaha 19.5
Michael K. 18
John Ch. 16.5
Eric W. 15.5
jmh 15
genop's gal 14.5
Pete Rozelle 14
Carol 13.5
Larry Legend 11.5
john dull 11
Bob 9.5
Annie 9
Biggest Cubs Loser 9
umpire 9
Gordon 8.5
Paul 8.5
Drewbob 7.5
Gary 6
genop 6
Money Maker 6
Tommy W. 6
Usual Kevin 6
Weavmo 6
Bad Brad 4.5
John Cr. 4.5
Bayou Baby 3
Broadway Joe 0
Grizfan 0
mna 0
NoPo Guy 0
Ricardo 0
Rudie 0

Comments (3)

Condolences to another seven (7) bold players who bet against Mr Tom and the Pats' maturing defense, including the magnificent Vince Wilfork:

Mr Romo had a good day, matching Mr Tom at 27 completions of 41 tosses and surpassing him in yardage, 317-289. Mr Tom threw two picks to Mr Romo's one; the second pick led only to a FG, however, as the Pats' D held late in the 4thQ.

Mr Tom also threw for two TDs to Mr Romo's one; the second one came with but 22 seconds remaining, elating the Foxborough faithful and West Coast fans.

BTW, has anyone sampled Drew Bledsoe's Walla Walla cabs; eg,

The Patriots aren't that good. The players who picked Dallas made a sound bet.

The qualifying round for the playoffs is not even half over. Often, a team that begins very strong concludes its season prior to the season's conclusion. A good team does enough to win, while avoiding serious injuries. Only very rarely does a team prevail in all of its regular season contests. Picking a good team's losses is always a Hail Mary.

Meanwhile, the Pats' Beaver hasn't been as busy as he might have been:

"Chad Ochocinco saw precious few snaps during the Patriots’ come-from-behind win over the Cowboys yesterday, and was targeted just once by Tom Brady."

"It has now been more than 10 weeks since Ochocinco arrived in New England, and though he didn’t have the offseason to work on his timing with Brady or begin learning an offense far more complex than the one he was part of with the Bengals for a decade, he has taken part in every practice since arriving.

But he still is not on the field when New England runs its no-huddle package, and there are still times when either Brady or another teammate is telling him where he is supposed to be lining up."

The Pats' offensive success depends in large part upon its formidable receiving crew. Aaron Hernandez's return yesterday was crucial, especially given the attention Dallas focused on Wes Wexler. The members of this good team still have a lot to learn before the playoffs.

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