
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 12, 2011 11:42 AM. The previous post in this blog was One or the other. The next post in this blog is You're *not* safe, even in the bike lane. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sustainable Susan tells us so

Years ago, to get us to eat our vegetables, Mom used to say, "Think of all the children who are starving in Africa." (Which used to lead us to say, "Well, they can have my cauliflower.")

If that doesn't work, today's moms have a new one: "You'll be saving a polar bear."

Comments (8)

Funny: beans and peas produce a lot of methane no matter if they're eaten or not eaten. The difference is that you can't go to a landfill and play "pull my finger".

So where do you draw the line on social engineering and the nanny state? Is anything NOT COP's concern? Maybe it could just organize neighborhood kitchens and feed everyone. That might not be as far-fetched (or far off) as it sounds. Your city government sure does have a lot of money & people working it, doesn't it?

Hey Overpaid Susie:

Please show me the evidence that man's CO2 (or methane) is actually causing harmful warming. Not computer simulations, not the "we can't think of anything else, so it must be man" that is the foundation of the IPCC claim.

Not any IPCC stuff as they have been reprinting WWF & other green shirt propaganda and many of their "scientists" aren't.

And just for those scientific illiterates like Ben Canon who rely on allegedly professional organizations like the National Science Foundation, the NSF just removed a scientific blunder from their web site after it being there for many years (not hours or days, but years). What was the blunder? Glad you asked - their claim that melting sea ice (most Arctic ice) causes ocean level rise. See http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/10/10/nsf-just-now-figures-out-archimedes-buoyancy-principle/



I agree that models showing CO2 causing polar ice caps to melt are speculative. Indeed, although the Arctic sea ice cap has definitely shrunk, it is equally true that the Antarctic has grown (see http://nsidc.org/data/seaice_index/).

That being said, there is no doubt that most of the increase in CO2 in recent years came from fossil sources. Easily measured because CO2 from burning coal and oil is nearly completely deficient in carbon 14. That's not new science. Been doing it since the early days of carbon dating.

But I agree. What the heck is the City using my tax dollars for this stuff? Waste of money. And they should pay attention to such. Harrisburg, PA just declared bankruptcy because of a green project going bad.


More evidence that Portland government is bloated with people who have nothing better to do other than think up new ways to micromanage other people's lives in order to address a problem they've extrapolated into another global crisis in need of solving.

I can't imagine a more blatant bunch of overthinking busybodies in need of being flushed out of office.

Robert:Easily measured because CO2 from burning coal and oil is nearly completely deficient in carbon 14.
JK: All that shows is that it is OLD carbon, not that man released it. There are other sources of old carbon. And there some dispute about that whole concept as applied to AGW, but I forget the details. (And, no, I am not denying carbon dating!)


When you get a bloated government, you get people bloating over your private lives.

There are way too many public employees trying to find something to do because you really don't need that many people to run the government.

We are heading into state-run socialism by default- and that is getting really scary.

Robert - my biggest question (that global warming folks really can't answer) is - if the cause for the climate change is man and our CO2, then why was there a climate change centuries ago when Greenland got its name because it was green (and man didn't have the internal combustion engine, etc)?

Outside of that it's just MORE propaganda that the government is trying to shove down our throats. Stay out of my bedroom, my car, my kitchen, my ...... (you fill in the blank). Do what you are suppose to, arrest bad guys, put them in jail, put out fires and get my roads in good shape (and if we are talking the feds, stop illegal aliens, terrorists and protect us from foreign powers who want to take my country).

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