
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 27, 2011 12:47 PM. The previous post in this blog was How China is like BlueOregon. The next post in this blog is Brian's mad. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stock up on popcorn

Occupy Portland is moving to Jamison Square in the Pearl District Saturday night:

Camp Meeting starts at 4:00 PM, with a Potluck at 7:00 PM, and a Cuddle Party at 10:00 PM. We plan on staying the entire night.

Occupy Portland is in Solidarity with Oakland, Atlanta, and all other cities which have experienced a hostile police take-over. We will gather for a camp meeting to discuss the prospects of our future political actions, which may include the expansion into new territory.

Curiously, the Occupy announcement warns that "Jamison Square is privately owned." According to PortlandMaps.com, it belongs to the city.

Comments (16)

I hope they occupy folks spill over into Tanner Springs where as far as I can tell nothing! is allowed.
Too amusing!

Jamison Square is a publiclly owned Portland Park, though there is a very small piece next to the building that abuts the park that is actually private property open to the public. I have a feeling that things are gonna get a little crazy this weekend. Maybe the fountain can be turned on in the park to wash the stinky occupiers?! Maybe a pool party after the cuddle party?

What this is really about is that the more responsible element of Occupy Portland realizes that their downtown spot has been taken over by homeless and the mentally ill (along with the problems that plague those populations), and so they are setting up a second camp that they hope will be less troubled by the homeless.

Interestingly, the city has already said that the tolerance it has shown at the current park will not be shown at other parks, so this will set up quite the showdown. In theory. In reality, probably not.

And also, a Cuddle Party? Really? People are still doing those?

"Curiously, the Occupy announcement warns that "Jamison Square is privately owned."

They now admit it is a public park, but I think that they are really worried about the PR they have been getting.

Occupy Portland:

"It is emphasized that you REMAIN ON YOUR BEST BEHAVIOR. Drugs and Drama will not be welcome."

More Occupy Portland:

"Please bring: Food, tarps, sleeping bags, mats, hand warmers, water coolers, and buckets. NO TENTS!"

Hmmm... wonder what the buckets are for? BTW, if you don't intend to use your Sam Adams Memorial Slopbucket, why not bring it by the encampment? They might have a use for it!

Pardon my ignorance, but WHAT is a 'cuddle party'?

Nancy--just what it sounds like. A group of people get together and they cuddle in what is supposed to be a friendly, communal, non-sexual way.

Maybe the park is really owned by one of those clever Portland public-private partnership entities. That way, it would be owned by the party most convenient at any particular moment to the authority in charge.

The Pearlfolk are already getting rattled ...

What the heck? Most of the people who live in the Pearl are the 99%. In fact, some of us have been donating food, medical supplies and clothing to OccupyPDX.
Why not protest the banks or bankers specifically?
It’s like OccupyPDX is slapping their own supporters in the face.

Translation: I support you! Just not in MY backyard!

They're quietly and inoffensively trying to get the heck away from the homeless camp they've created.

Can't wait for the phone calls to City Hall if Occupy really does set up in the Pearl longer term.

"In fact, some of us have been donating food, medical supplies and clothing to OccupyPDX."

Then you deserve what you get...

Banksters Alert!

Come down to the park at 10 PM and get free cuddles.

Hey is soccer season finally finished? Maybe they can all move there.

After all, we're paying for the damn thing.

Cuddle Party? Really? If this doesn't show how immature and childish most of those hipster crybabies are I don't know what. Arrested development, all of them. Bust out the finger paints. Can you imagine grown adults in the 30's, 40's or 50's behaving like that? No, they grew a pair and acted their age instead of like 10 year olds.

OCP is delusional if they don't think the street punks, druggies, bums and mentally ill aren't going to follow them down the road.

Two thoughts:

I wonder if the cuddle party organizers know about frotteurism; and
I wonder if the fountain will be on.

Could be fun people watching...

Your move to protest in the Pearl because you think the Pearl represents the “wealthy” is sure to alienate a good portion of your supporters….most of which are the 99% who have felt the effects of our growing plutocracy. You will not grow the movement or reach your stated goal of sustainability for the long term by turning your misguided ire to those who are with you.

Translation: We're with you 100% -- just don't come here! For the love of God, DON'T COME HERE! We support your protest for social and economic justice, but DON'T DO IT IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD!

This is great.

How long until Sam Adams ends his mentoring sessions with a cuddle party?

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