
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 4, 2011 6:41 AM. The previous post in this blog was Reader poll: Do you care about Amanda Knox case?. The next post in this blog is Spare change?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Quotation of the Day

We are committed to vigorously pursuing the goal of allowing participants to express their view which is there free speech right.

How many public relations people do they have over their?

Comments (21)

"there free speech right"

I guess Portland Monthly isn't the only existing workfare program for otherwise unemployable Portland State journalism majors...

...but spell check didn't find any errors!

There, there.

Every 10 shootings = 1 new PR flack hired.

This is how they plan to fix the local economy. Local govt is beyond self-caricature.

One out of two isn't bad - 50% is a passing grade, isn't it?

Your very observant.

They should all be commited. Bad spelling isn't a crime: lying to the public ought to be.

"Experience has show that working.."

I think that someone dropped the letter "n".

Good thing der be dem professional journalists out their.

"There", their, they're...They all mean sumtin diffurnt Occifer.

Oh well, it's not any worse than the Oregonian these days.

I made a mistake once that required an apology on national TV.
I don't sweat the little stuff after that.

No journalism student left behind....

Translation: "We will give them a permit for a slow parade through downtown Portland. We will kick the s*** out of anyone who steps off the prescribed route. You WILL be able to drive in downtown Portland without having to break for the First Amendment."

The poor spelling is contagious; that should be "brake".

Darn, if only I could be their to ensure that there rights are protected while there they're in Portland!

The bed-head-ucation system has affected not only this journalism student's left behind, but also his right....


Your very observant.

Now that's satire!

I think what we got their is a failure to communicate...

Public education at its finest.

Gotta love how the C.O.P. tells us when we can use OUR parks. Guessing they are missing the point of OccupyPortland.....
Hey C.O.P. you work for US , and you ought to be darn glad you have a job with a nice pension , which is what all of us in the parade do not have. Anyway come down for the parade folks , bring a sign , and yell your head off.
Venting is good!!

I have to admit I was about to chastise Bojack for misusing the word 'there'...i didn't catch the mistake in the quote. So I didn't get the joke. Grah!

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