
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 12, 2011 9:48 AM. The previous post in this blog was New downtown homeless camp is sustainable. The next post in this blog is One or the other. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Portland City Council goes postal

What gang shootings? What debt crisis? What potholes? Now the city commissioners in Portlandia have time to take sides in a labor dispute at the Post Office. Here's what the mayor calls their "letter of concern to UPSP Postmaster General." What a piece of work.

Comments (12)

Jack, would you please fix the typo: "UPSP" on the mayors' website?

Mybe he furgot hes not rnunnin fer reelcshun.

Or this is just a union vote grab for the other 4 signatories.

UPS...UPS of Pakistan? UPS of Paraguay? I didn't know the UPS had a Postmaster General, and why does Sam Adams care about UPS service in other countries?

UPS of Portland?

Maybe this is an attempt to redevelop Swan Island and force UPS to move to Troutdale, or Vancouver, or Tualatin...?

These guys are a couple of steps away from going postal anyway, so...

Essentially they are saying, we ain't got any serious, sustainable jobs program so government jobs are about the only idea we have left.

Trouble is that boat is sinking under the weight of debt. 30-40 years of two-party spending beyond our means, means collapse.

They sure have a painfully labored way of saying everything, don't they? When did "equity" become buzzword number one? I think the whole business would fall under Orwell's sins of "pretentious diction" and "meaningless words." I doubt there is anything else there.

Is it just me, or does this blog have more influence on Sam than we thought? Take a look: that old phallic symbol in the middle of Sam's header illustration is gone. We've got a homeless person on a bicycle, but still...

It's almost as if the teacher assigned the children to write an essay...busy work to occupy them while they dither away their real responsibilities.

Hey, TTR, the bushy base is still there. I guess we just have to use our imaginations. I noticed that they put a bird(s) on it to fill the empty space.

NW, thank you. Of course Sam had someone put a bird on it. (As an aside, my wife was showing jewelry at an art show this last weekend, and I had the opportunity to talk to many of our neighboring vendors. Every last one of them was either VERY familiar with "put a bird on it", or understood exactly what it meant without ever having heard it before. Much like the term "Cat Piss Man" in science fiction fandom, the phrase fills a desperate need in the arts that nobody really realized was still empty.)

UPSP -- Underaged Patrons of Sam's Pants?

Hope this doesn't tarnish Clay Neal's standing to join the ranks of the Rescue Aids.

Hey, the unions bought this crowd at City Hall fair and square and they intend to use them to their full advantage...

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