
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 25, 2011 11:49 AM. The previous post in this blog was By the 'dogs' early light. The next post in this blog is We're no. 8!. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Portland bad cop story gets much worse

Officer James Botaitis allegedly pointed his gun at his estranged wife's boyfriend and said he would kill him. Sounds like more 'roid rage from Portland's finest. No statement yet from the mayor -- he's in Asia doing his important business.

Comments (20)

The hits just keep on coming. This was only about 8 ft-lbs of trigger pull away from a DV homicide. I can't understand why Reese isn't getting called on the number of officers he has had arrested this year. PPB is truly in a sad state of affairs. I don't think Pierce Brooks could unscrew the place...

How many "few bad apples" are we up to now?

The lack of discipline and oversight is coming home to roost, wide out in the light of day. Not much Reese can (or will) do, other than do some more of the same-old-same-old spin about how stressful their job is, how the public doesn't understand, blah blah blah.

Isn't it interesting to see how many Portland cops do NOT get arrested in Portland?

What a hoot! Robert King, the PPB spokesperson is the former president of the PPA, the Portland Cops Union. And, we're all supposed to look the other way while another Portland cop screws up. He will likely go on paid leave and/or paid disability while Portlanders will foot the bill for another non-functioning public employee (with fully paid benefits and a 25 and out full pension).

Meanwhile Mayor Creepy is dawdling somewhere on the other side of the planet... probably checking out bicycles since it is rumored he may be a pedal-phile.

If I were a law enforcement professional, I would have a hard time maintaining my self-respect working under this city's warped priorities and leadership. Combined with the given stress of the job, it's not too surprising apples are going bad.

I keep wondering if the praetorians themselves will grow weary of Nero and his cronies.

Surely not all cities in the US of Portland's size have this record. They need to do some "best practices" benchmarking.

Seems like the college degree/military service requirement isn't working too well. I feel for the good cops working hard to keep things safe who get to deal with the outcome of the behavioral issue of colleagues.

Not to defend the officer's actions, but I imagine I might be inclined to have a very sharp conversation with my ex's sex-offender boyfriend as well, given that they have a 7-year old and that the scumbag admitted abusing a 5-year old.

What the eff kind of mom is that, that shacks up with that kind of vile crap?

I wonder if something related to that is what compelled Botaitis to pay the visit...

Not to worry. It was loaded with beanbag rounds.

How many and which city employees are on "paid administrative leave" or desk duty only as of today?

I understand that you might feel that way Larry, but you would have would up in the cooler too.

As an experienced officer, he knew the appropriate action was to call the police and Children's Services of local jurisdiction. The monment he forced his way into a residence he crossed the line into misconduct.

If he became aware of facts that indicated an immediate danger to someone inside the residence, he should have notified 911 and requested uniformed officers to the scene.

Almost every agency on the planet has a host of rules regarding not being directly involved in any enforcement or police action that involves your family.

I don't think the Clark County DA is going to pull any punches, and this guy has some lumps coming.

He had custody of his son, with the mother having the boy on weekends - during which time the boyfriend was not allowed to be around. Now who gets the kid?

Yeah, he was really looking out for the boy's best interests.

And Mr. Grumpy- are you really saying these "apples" are going bad due to the stress of working under dysfunctional city management and policies?

Any of you readers have a job that allows you to take a day off for a reason, like for example, sitting in jail and still get paid? I didn't think so. Me either.

Do you guys who are tsk-tsking him have young children that you would do anything to spare from harm? And what would you do if a convicted rapist of children was close enough to study the private habits of your child: where his bedroom window was, his daily school schedule, his favorite foods and the fun places his Mom liked to take him...

From the Columbian: "Public records show that Bacus is a Level 2 sex offender. He was convicted in Clark County in 1999 of first-degree rape of a child and sentenced to 8½ years in prison. He reportedly raped a minor family member over seven years, starting when she was 5."

Do you actually think that a monster who rapes a child would now suddenly have devotion to respect the parenting plan of a separation agreement?

What would you do if there was a sexual predator, a child RAPIST sniffing around where your young child calls home? Maybe I can wish that the officer would have been more careful in his method - but if a family member (let alone my ex) started allowing a convicted child rapist into the home of a minor I'm pretty sure my message to the creep would have also have been a very clear warning that he would remember if he was ever tempted by his perversion.

I can't even imagine the torment this man (the cop) had to endure even imagining this guy knows his kid's name. Too bad he probably flushed his career over this dirt bag, but I'd guess it was a price he was willing to pay for his son.

Okay Bingo, for argument's sake, I'll give you all that. You honestly think Botaitis handled it properly?

Bingo, I can understand and even sympathize with the cop a bit given his predicament. The problem is, its not how the system works and he should know this as he has probably sent many a fellow man down to jail on far far more frivolous charges of DV than death threats at gunpoint. On top of that, as a cop he has options us mere mortals don't have though work/court contacts.

Then again, the system is so anti-male these situations are very common (woman hooks up with criminal type) and fathers are routinely ignored, just told to keep paying the support bills. What amazes me is that so many male cops go along with it and help keep the DV scam going. Guess that power trip of "authoritah" keeps them going.

Why the heck do we have police officers from Yacolt, WA?


If Botaitus was worried about his child's safety, he could have requested a knock-n-talk from Vancouver PD, who would have informed Chester that his girlfriend's residence would be subject to ongoing observation to make certain that he wasn't ever in violation of his weekend exclusion.

Professional courtesy requires a Vancouver PD officer to make the effort, and good career management would dictate the VanPD officer not THREATEN, or assault Chester. Not until they found him there on the weekend, at which time Chester would undoubtedly receive some wall counseling after resisting arrest.

Jail would be a less hospitable place than prison too, once his jailors learned he was a threat to another cop's kid. He would surely make it out alive, and might even file an excessive force lawsuit. But he wouldn't go back to the exclusion residence on the weekend; not if he were a thinking man.

Do you guys who are tsk-tsking him have young children that you would do anything to spare from harm?

Who do you suppose has custody of the boy now that his dad sits in jail? Wonder what will happen to that parenting plan now that dad is a violent (and hopefully soon unemployed) felon. This hot-headed cop put his son in danger of more harm. Both parents are ignorant, selfish people who obviously don't give a rip about the child. Poor kid.

I was just asking that you remember that he's a father first and a cop second. What he did wasn't by the book but I certainly have compassion for him and can't agree with lumping him into the pile of drunk driving traffic cops.

I agree with what you suggest Js and Mister Tee (wow I think I've agreed with you twice recently!). Asking for help from Vancouver PD would have been a good route...I wish Botaitus had asked a friend for some advice or help instead of going at it all by himself - too hard and reckless.

I see the Mom as ignorantly putting their son in danger, but i don't see Off. Botaitus actions as selfish - not well thought out, yes. It will likely jeapardize his custody. What a shame for the child is right.

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