
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 8, 2011 10:44 AM. The previous post in this blog was Along with the sharrows, how about some stop signs?. The next post in this blog is License to assassinate. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Nurse Amanda drops 13 grand on a poll

According to state records, she paid Goodwin Simon Strategic Research in Oakland, California $13,400 this week for a voter poll. That leaves her campaign with less than 10 grand in the bank, and remember, she lent it 25 grand of her own money to get started.

It would be interesting to know what the Fritz poll asked -- have any readers here been contacted?

Her opponent, Mary Nolan, is sitting on a campaign war chest of about 68 grand, debt-free. This week contributions poured into the Nolan camp from one of the Widmers, Miller Paint, Jim Winkler, even Lisa Naito. And a couple of pawnbroker outfits were good for a grand apiece. The Powers That Be sure seem to have the good nurse outflanked.

Comments (7)

Would Mary Nolan have said that the Willamette Week was serving no good public purpose when it broke the Sam Adams story?

Methinks Amanda could have shown some leadership there, in her role as city-councilor-who-knows-best about the psychological problems of the world. Instead, she looked and acted exactly like a defender-in-chief deer in the headlights.

What, no firms in Oregon could do that for her? Not exactly contributing to the local economy is she.

That sounds like the most Amanda's done since taking office. Maybe if she hadn't been in hiding the last 3.5 years, the poll wouldn't have been so necessary.

Fristz is quite the lesson.

Or rahter mystery.

After years of neighborhood activisim she finally gets a chance at doing something with the position of a commissioner, (thanks to voter owned elections) and she seemingly completely blows the opportunity by not even distinquishing herself from any other sap (commissioners) she watched as a an activist.

Maybe Amanda fugured she could be a permenent fixture by just parking her leftness in the commissioners seat?

Why did she want to be a commissioner in the first place?

She sure isn't anything other than another supporter of the most insane project in Oregon history.

And how is it that not a single Portland politician can figure out the insanity of MLR?

figure out the insanity of MLR
JK: There's nothing insane about MLR for the politicians - it is a unique opportunity to spend a BILLION dollars on their campaign supporters. It is NOT about transportation, it is about spending money in large quantities on buddies.


Nurse Amanda and the others running for that seat attended a candidates fair during the prior to the last election..
I wasn't impressed by her performance then so I've not been terribly disappointed since...

Nurse Amanda is the biggest disappointment. She votes yes on just about every goofball idea, then throws in a no vote here and there when she knows she'll be outvoted anyway. And then, the reason for her complaint is some bizarre technical point, "I would have voted 'yes' if we just put a bird on it."

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