
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 17, 2011 2:03 PM. The previous post in this blog was Carollo deal: the official version. The next post in this blog is Handmaidens of the 1%. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Nick Fish's lament

They're trashing the park! People can't enjoy the public spaces! They won't leave -- it's been weeks! They're going to leave behind an awful mess! It will cost thousands and thousands of dollars to clean up!

Right on, Nick! Darned Rose Festival...

Comments (17)

Marine Sergeant/Military Veteran Scolds, Shames NYPD For Beating Unarmed Protesters
Marine Sgt. Shamar Thomas, of Roosevelt, NY, exercises his first amendment right to tell the NYPD to stop beating unarmed people who are exercising their first amendment rights

Funny thing is Fish thinks the trespassers actually give a rip about the impact on others.

That's a drop in the bucket compared to the damage Merritt Paulson IV (or whatever number he is) has done to the city's finances. I don't recall Nick getting similarly outraged about that.

Did I miss something or was the good sergeant the only one bringing violent upset to the situation?

Interesting to note that Fish is not demanding that protesters leave the park, only that they work with parks officials to minimize damage.

Yeah, you missed something. Like Oct. 5&6. As the sergeant said.

You mean they haven't fixed capitalism yet?

This Occupy Everyplace may not be the fix-all they anticipated.

May I suggest a strongly worded letter to the United Nations High Commissioner on Economic Justice?

I believe the Occupy group has a purpose and that to keep the Pot Boiling as those who are supporting the effort will later add their secret ingredients and as planned . . . things will then boil over.

Wait and see!

If they would have complied with the lawful orders of NYPD to disperse there would have been no violence. The exercise fo your First Amendment Rights does not give one license to violate the law, or disregard legitimate law enforcement authority. - Another Marine Sergeant.

HMLA, you have it right. Civil dis-obedience we can understand. But it must be brought under control at some reasonable point to prevent absolute chaos.

The more that is tolerated without intervention, the more likelyhood for violence when it finally has to be curbed. That may be what some occupiers long for. Personally I would rather see them disperse peacefully, then use the ballot box with some real thought for a change.

Right now there are good folks here showing a lot of patience, but it won't be long before some start demanding a return to civility.

What Observer said.

Protest gatherings are one of the traditional historic purposes for which downtown square parks exist. Fish is just wound up because the local One Percenters are ringing him up 50 times a day with their usual whisper campaign demanding downtown be kept properly sterilized of all non-commercial activity.

This is what democracy looks like, Nick! Take a deep breath and appreciate it!

Ordnung muss sein.

I have commented many times about Nick Fish being a flake. He is just true to form here. The guy has no brains or fortitude.

The Occupy group is breaking the law. In its continued tolerance (and maybe even support) of that, the city government is sending a clear signal that 1) if the mayor approves of your message, he will use his discretion not to enforce the law against you, 2) all the talk of Portland being friendly to downtown business is a joke, and 3) when the Occupy group takes the next step and occupies someone's private propeerty, do not count on the police to do anything in that case either. Where that will end is not a pretty place. I'm also looking forward to the First Amendment case against the city when the police enforce the no camping laws against some other group the mayor isn't as sympathetic to.

As a tax protest, I grow my own tobacco and roll it into tax free cigars. I was threatened with a trespass violation and permanant expulsion for enjoying my 'protest' one evening in Portland's Living Room. God help those kids if there are Marlboros in the square. It will be a blood bath.

Protest gatherings are one of the traditional historic purposes for which downtown square parks exist.

Protests are one thing. Indefinite camping to the exclusion of all other citizens and destruction of public property are other things.

Right! Those $$ could be going to more important things. Like instructions in how to use sidewalks.

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