
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 9, 2011 6:56 PM. The previous post in this blog was America, 2011. The next post in this blog is Yo, Jude!. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Moonbeam says no to the bike kids

California's once and future governor has decided that it's not a good idea to require motorists to slow to 15 miles an hour when passing cyclists. He's vetoed a bill that would have required the slowdown, saying that it would cause more harm than good. How politically incorrect of him.

Comments (6)

Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll move down there (or back there) so they can protest.

Now if we can only get some common sense restored up here in Oregon...

Turning the big ol SS Bike and Sustainability ship around to head toward Common Sense Island is going to take some work. But every little friendly trade wind from the south helps us to get back on course. One can only hope we will stay afloat long enough to get us where we really need to be.

Maybe its redemption for his recent assault on the 4th Amendment.


I like this comment from William Long of the Emanuel Trauma Center, from Sunday's Oregonian Living section:

"I don't ski anymore. I don't get on ladders. I don't bike here. I like to bike in Amsterdam, but it's too dangerous here."

The governor has not been "Moonbeam" for at least a couple of decades:

"Gov. Jerry Brown has outlawed the open carrying of unloaded handguns in California, signing a bill late Sunday night that makes the practice that had been popular with some gun rights advocates a misdemeanor in the state."

"'We view the open carrying of unloaded handguns as a threat to the safety of the communities we police and the safety of our officers,' said David L. Maggard, Jr., president of the California Police Chiefs Association."


"The ban does not apply to law enforcement, people authorized to carry loaded weapons in public or to people selling unloaded weapons at gun shows, among other exemptions."

"In addition, Brown signed into law a bill that will require that the information from purchasers of long guns, such as rifles and shotguns, be retained by the state Department of Justice in the same way information about handgun purchasers is retained."

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