
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 20, 2011 2:09 PM. The previous post in this blog was Regence cuts its losses. The next post in this blog is On to Plan C. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Finally, the neighbors score

Some fed-up neighbors in North Portland shut down one heroin dealing operation.

Comments (6)

Well...shut down for a few hours, as the perps were all released on their own recognizance except one.
I suspect that Joe and Shari will be stealin' and dealin' by dark at the latest!
Too bad...nice try neighbors!

I was amazed that (6-7 years ago) PPB was citing in lieu of custody for PCS I/Herion. It's an A Felony. If memory serves, citing for A Fels is prohibited by statue. When I asked the officer telling me this how it was allowed, he just shrugged. The problem is that Portland is simply awash in cheap heroin. If you lodged and held everyone arrested for it the jail would be full in very short order. But of course, the powers that be feel that treatment is more appropriate than incarceration. Maybe if they put solar panels and a "green roof" on Wapato Mutnomah County would be more enthused about staffing it.

Legalize it, tax it, treat the addiction if possible, keep the minors away from the users and stop the trafficking.

Good idea for marijuana, really, really bad idea for heroin.

Agreed. Heroin is far too addictive and destructive. Poisonous in every sense of the word.

Back in '72 the hippies in Madison WI used to threaten every smack dealer that came into town. If they kept it up, they got shot in the leg or the butt. Very effective community policing. Like many other things, support from the community will make a difference.

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