
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 18, 2011 8:21 PM. The previous post in this blog was Obsessing about Kroger. The next post in this blog is The games begin. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cell tower weasels go Astroturf

This is scary. The T-Mobile cell phone dudes have taken to pitting cell phone users against neighbors who don't want noisy, ugly cell phone equipment popping up in the yards of any homeowner who's hard up enough to take the cell companies' money. Here's the cell boys' pitch: Write your city commissioners! Screw the people who don't want to look at this. If you have a cell phone, you should forget what it would be like to live next to one of these things. Who cares what it looks like out your window, or sounds like when you open that window? Just remember -- you're a slave to that screen...

Ya gotta love how they invite you to write your City Council member, but to do so via their website, where they can trash your message if they don't agree with it. These people are pure greed; there's a special place for them in the hereafter.

Comments (7)

Priceless. What former Reporter is working for them and dreamed this up?

Aw, heck, Jack. Don't defame weasels. They're actually honest straightforward hunters. Instead call those low-down, grifting pieces of corporate crap something else -- like, coprolites. Or, cell cowards. Or, sellular drones. What a bunch of scummy grifters. Can't wait to see the public records requests pour into CoP to get those T-Mogul emails' with full headers and related data.

T-Mobile Customer Losses Seen Tripling as AT&T Deal Review Drags Out
By Scott Moritz and Sarah Frier - Oct 7, 2011 4:55 PM ET
Bloomberg Markets Magazine


T-Mobile USA, the wireless company AT&T Inc. (T) is trying to acquire, may lose three times the number of contract subscribers this year as in 2010 as the U.S. Justice Department’s attempt to stop the deal is hampering the company’s ability to cut prices and creating concerns among users.

The fourth-largest U.S. wireless operator will see the number of customers on monthly contracts decline by about 1.2 million, compared with a drop of 390,000 the year before, according to the average estimate of six analysts surveyed by Bloomberg.


T-Mobile’s market share losses are being exacerbated because it’s refraining from the aggressive price cuts it has used in the past, said Craig Moffett, an analyst with Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Though price cuts have helped the company attract customers in the past, they may now aid the Justice Department in making its case T-Mobile should remain independent because it helps suppress prices for consumers, he said.


The Justice Department sued in August to block AT&T’s proposed $39 billion takeover of T-Mobile, a unit of Deutsche Telekom AG (DTE), saying that such a deal would “remove a significant competitive force from the market.”

I gave it a try, not believing that they would forward my negative comments. And I kept my own copy to compare.

The auto-reply message indicated that they sent my comments verbatim (or so I am to believe), but not before affixing the Subject Line "Approve T-Mobile's Cell Site in Alameda/Concordia" to my email.

So I then followed through with another email to all of the addressees, with a subject line of my own choosing, explaining their tampering with my message without my approval, and asked that they withdraw my previous email from the record and replace it with my original content.

It's a pretty clever technique: Swamp everyone's email inboxes with emails all stating a subject line that favors approval for their project, and hope that there's enough email that the recipients just count the subject lines and never open the actual messages and read them. And also hope that the tampering isn't exposed. Which I of course hope I did.

Did T-Mobile just commit wire fraud, then?

U.S. Code, Title 18, Part I, Chapter 63

Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, transmits or causes to be transmitted by means of wire, radio, or television communication in interstate or foreign commerce, any writings, signs, signals, pictures, or sounds for the purpose of executing such scheme or artifice, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both....

T-Mobile's Third-Quarter Lobbying Boost, by Simon Maloy, Media Matters .org, October 18, 2011 [links are active in the original]

... Media Matters documented the multimillion-dollar lobbying blitz AT&T and T-Mobile initiated in April, after the proposed merger of the two companies was announced.

... In the first three quarters of 2011, T-Mobile spent $2,766,100 on lobbying -- well more than the $1,737,175 the company had spent at the same point in 2010.

AT&T's third-quarter lobbying expenditures have not yet been made public. ... A new report from the Center For Public Integrity detailed the "unusual" support AT&T is receiving from small charitable organizations that received substantial donations from AT&T.

Two MILLION buckos (spent by a shrinking corporation) buys many many 'lobbying' WEASELS who, in one technique, prod provoke or purloin a 'name list' of concerned or interested private persons 'watching' the issue.

Lobbying pressure ('persuading' elected officials) is proportional to the QUANTITY of listed names.

The QUALITY of people's 'concern' or 'interest' -- not distinguishing statements in opposition or statements in favor -- is kept secret from regulatory agencies and officials.

It is well understood that Wall St. fatcat 'insider' traders bought T-Mobile shares low-priced, on advance notice of the AT&T buy-out/merger, and when that rubber-stamp buy-out windfall is stopped then T-Mobile share values diminish toward worthless.
It might also be understood that some of the 'insiders' privileged with advance information for capitalizing on Wall St. 'plays' and 'players' are elected officials.

How Low Will AT&T Go?, by Amy Kroin, Save the Internet, October 19, 2011

Rev. R. Henry Martin directs the Shreveport-Bossier Rescue Mission, a Louisiana-based ministry that “reaches out to feed, clothe, shelter and provide healing services to homeless men, women and families with children.” The ministry aided 1,200 people in 2010, served over 135,000 meals and is open to those in need 365 days a year.

... So why did Rev. Martin feel compelled to write a letter to the FCC urging it to approve the takeover?

... The Shreveport-Bossier Rescue Mission, for one, raked in $50,000 from AT&T earlier this year. Perhaps it was that cash infusion that inspired this heartfelt testimonial:

It is important that we, as Christians, never stop working on behalf of the underserved and forgotten,” Rev. Martin wrote in a June letter to FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski. “It might seem like an out-of-place endorsement, but I am writing today in order to convey our support for the AT&T/T-Mobile merger ....”

T-Mobile WEASELS are only mimicking their Bigger Fraudleader AT&T.

Uh, John, did you bother to actually read the website? The subject line is pre filled in and if you neglected to change it, it's your oversight.

Besides, how are they "tampering" with a message you chose to deliver from a t-mobile website?

Jeez are people self righteous.

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