
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 5, 2011 10:48 AM. The previous post in this blog was True love never dies. The next post in this blog is New scandal in Blazerland. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Brady sits down with Sustainable Susan

Oh, to be a fly on the wall as the frontrunner for Portland mayor meets with the city's incumbent Queen of Green. According to the latter's calendar, they got together late last Friday morning. Lunch, perhaps?

Comments (8)

110 employees in that one bureau seems like a lot. Its mission statement proclaims the goal of making Portland "a thriving and sustainable city that is equitable, prosperous and healthy."

Two questions: Is everything the responsibility of government now? And second, how can a city itself be "equitable?"

Has anyone ever heard of a city per se described as equitable or inequitable?

"Prosperous". You're doing a helluva job Brownie.

Brady's whole agenda revolves around getting control of Bureau of Planning and Susatainability, so her stores don't have to deal with obstacles. Anderson heads the bureau that Adams combined in 2009. All 3 are part of the Portland Sustainablity Institute board.

So much for Brady not being an insider. Fresh start for Portland?

Brady's whole agenda revolves around getting control of Bureau of Planning and Susatainability, so her stores don't have to deal with obstacles.
JK: Great idea - cut it to the bone - only function is to check plans for safety.

And fire Susan and all of the other green idiots.

If that is all she did in 8 years, that alone would be worth it.


"So much for Brady not being an insider."

Don't forget she is buddies with Sam, enough to ask him to get her out of the bike fracas with the police.

Unfortunately folks, I think we are looking for the leper with four fingers in this race.

JK- it seems you missed the point. It's not for the greater good of the community, but corporate enrichment.

Steve- I know what you are saying, but it is not good enough anymore just to settle for the best of lesser the choices. I have hope for a better person.

Here's an idea. How about dumping about 100 of these people from the City payrolls. Want to bet noone outside of City Hall would miss them?

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