
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 17, 2011 10:43 AM. The previous post in this blog was A year to go. The next post in this blog is Portlandia's going.... Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, October 17, 2011

A meal ticket for the Tom Miller types

And any other Portland bureau manager who will be shown the door when Mayor Slopbucket moves on -- a guaranteed severance. But only for those who don't make it for three years. No wonder Portland's borrowing money for park maintenance.

Comments (5)

What a turnabout on the meaning of "public service"!

This one I can't figure out. The only thing is a friends & family deal since they get paid BEFORE 3 years are up?

You're the attorney, whatever happened to "at will" employment contracts?

The people that this will upset the most are those who work for these highly incompetent directors. In Miller's case, he is in a job that prior to Sue Kiel used to be advertised nationally when there was a vacancy to fill. Sue, whose legacy will include Ellis McCoy, was only given Transportation as a consolation prize when Dean Marriott refused to leave BES. Miller's qualifications appear to be a friendship with Mayor Slopbucket and a love of bikes.

Wasn't Miller hired as director before July 1, 2011?

No no no NO No No NO !
Damnit NO!

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