
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 18, 2011 4:45 PM. The previous post in this blog was Old voices, new statements. The next post in this blog is Obamacare? What about Obamadon'tcare?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

(Yawn) Another air show death

If this is your idea of entertainment, you may want to check for a loose screw.

Comments (8)

And now the "radical modifications" to the plane that crashed in Reno could be part of the problem so says the latest news reports.

Well, of course it was part of the problem. The hundreds of over-the-hill jalopies "restored" and then flown by dried-up old military guys in air shows are a menace.

This may have been tantamount to criminally negligent homicide, and I hope brave, brave Mr. Stunt Man's estate is bankrupted by the people he maimed.

I know some of those guys and they are mostly cowboys with deadly toys who still think they are 25 years old!
The ex fighter pilot/tail hookers are the worst, IMO

The "The ex fighter pilot/tail hookers" seem to have difficulty's dealing with women too.

You know another aspect of the Hillsboro air show? A good old-fashioned open house for the military industrial complex.
We had a stealth fighter, a refueling jet, a warthog, the Blue Angels, a transport plane with a military parachute team jumping out the back. It wasn't all old planes or stunt planes. Far from it. And you know there's no stealth fighters stationed around here so it must have flown for hours to make a couple of passes over Hillsboro and head back to its base probably in another state.

That could be what is protecting these things. The military enjoys showing off the hardware to the crowd - it's good for business. And if there's an accident with the other flying wrecks, that's just collateral damage.

Pursuing a path of exciting personal challenge is so disrespectful of the beautiful life provided by God. Why do you do it? It's selfish. Stop it. Your loved ones will thank you.

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