
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 5, 2011 8:45 AM. The previous post in this blog was Happy Labor Day. The next post in this blog is Tri-Met gassing up the chain saws. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, September 5, 2011

West Hills 'mills?

A reader writes:

I was on the roof of a tall building in the Pearl today and looking west saw four wind turbines in the West Hills. Do you or your friends know anything about this? I haven't noticed this before, but I spend much of my time in the western burbs.

We've seen a few token wind dealies on a building over by I-405 downtown, but in the hills west of the Pearl? We know nothing. Readers?

Comments (7)

I live up in the West Hills and don't know what this reader was talking about. I've never seen anything like that up here.

I haven't seen them either, but I live in the southwest portion of West Hills. I'd guess the reader's spotted something going on in the northwest portion.

Could it be that Overlook Park is so overgrown with trees (as is Council Crest) that we can't see the NW West Hills anymore?

I'm just amused that the reader thinks the West Hills are some far off suburb, rather than the power base of Portland.

They need to get out of SE more often. You can get there by MAX

Could he have been seeing the turbines on top of that new building off Burnside? Optical illusion making them look like they're on hills?

Yes, I can't imagine they did anything other than see the four small turbines on top of the "Indigo @ 12 West" building, and confused them with something really far away.

The building I was visiting was on fourth. I doubt what I saw was on 13th. It sure lokked a lot further tan 9 blocks. It looked like it was on the skyline akin to broadcast towers but yes definitely NW of the usual suspects.

As for the suggestion that I live in SE. Tres amusing. I live in PDX on the cusp of SW PDX, Beaverton, and Tigard and work in Beaverton. I do, in fact, live and work in the burbs. And there is no power base in my neighborhood. We are ignored roundly and often though we are taxed heavily.

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